Mesmerizing eyes

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Chapter 41:

Y/n pov:

I woke up alone in bed because Hailee has an appointment. I feel really hungry so I go downstairs and I almost die from a heart attack when I see Hailee's parents here.

« Hi y/n did you sleep well? » Cheri asked.

« Yeah thank you » I said not wanting to be rude and ask them right away what are they doing here.

« Hailee finish her appointment at 11am so she will be here in one hour. We just came here because she told us that you were alone and we wanted to come to keep you company » I look at the clock and see that it's already 10am

« Oh I didn't know that I slept this long. I'm sorry »

« It's fine you needed it with the jet lag. Plus, we're only here since half an hour » Peter said with a small smile.

« Florence and Alycia are still asleep? » I asked.

« Alycia is still asleep but flo went to the store to buy some things »

I go wake up Alycia and we sit down on the table and start eating breakfast.

« So, do you plan on maybe come live here? » their mom ask. I look at Alycia with wide eyes.

« Uhm actually I don't know, we didn't talked about this but I don't think I can leave New York because of my work. But I have a house here, with my sister Brie because we often have to shoot here » I responded feeling a little nervous.

« Oh, I didn't thought my daughter will quit us until a while but if she's  happy then we're happy »

« well nothing is decided yet, and even if she comes in New York we will come often to see you. There's no need to worry » I said trying to reassure them.

They nod and we continue talking until Hailee and Flo come back at the same time.

Hailee kiss me in the forehead making me blush. I look at her parents who are smiling ear to ear looking at us.

Alycia POV:

Hailee and Flo both come back at the same time and hailee immediately go to y/n's side and kiss her forehead making me smile sadly.

Flo is less.. demonstrative she doesn't like to show our couple and it makes me sad. She didn't even say that we're together at her friends or family.

I don't tell her because I don't want to bother her but I need it, I need her to show me that I'm important to her.

I see Hailee looking at me and I can tell that she saw my sad eyes. She raise an eyebrow and I look away awkwardly.

After a few minutes, I go outside in the garden because I need fresh air.

I hear the widow open behind me and see Hailee walking towards me.

« Hey Carey you okay? »

« Yes I'm fine and you? » I said

« Me I'm fine but I don't feel like you are. I saw you look at us, so tell me »

« She just act like we're not together. I know that in front of her family it's hard but in front of you and the girls I feel like she doesn't want to show that we're together. It feels like she's ashamed » I ramble not even denying that something is wrong.

« Hey don't say that, she really liked you and I can see it, we can all see it. Otherwise she wouldn't have introduce you to my parents. But I understand you, just talk to her, she'll listen and you'll resolve the problem. I know that I'm not the best at this. But someone told me that communication is what works for an healthy relationship » she said smiling proudly and I understand that she's referring to y/n.

Without thinking, I hug her tightly. She's a little surprised at first but hugs me back.

« Thank you Hailee »

Hailee pov:

« It's nothing. Friends are here for that » I said smiling. Friends. We're friends and I'm glad that y/n's friends are so nice and that now, we're a group.

« Go talk to your girl » I added and she nodded giving me a grateful look.

She left the garden and got back in the house. A few minutes later, I hear quiet steps behind me.

I turn around and see y/n. « Hi baby » I smiled at her and she sat on my lap in the grass.

Her face is facing mine and I can't help but get lost in her eyes.

« You're eyes... they're mesmerizing » I whispered.
She puts her forehead on mine continuing to look at me lovingly.

« I could look into your eyes forever. Just looking at you over and over again. I would never get tired of it » I said making her blush but smile.

All I can see in her eyes is love and it makes my heart almost soar out of my chest.

God I love her so much.

After a while of holding eyes contact, she closes her eyes and puts her face in the crook of my neck.

« I have something to tell you »


What do you think y/n has to tell Hailee?

Next chapter tomorrow!! Also, I wanted to know if you have some requests that I should add in the story ? (New characters, more smut, more fluff, more angst, more problems...)

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