It's you and nobody else

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Chapter 40:

Hailee pov:

« Babe? Please let me explain » she didn't reply, just looked at me. I can see that she's not angry. More disappointed or... sad?

« I saw my ex because before your accident I wanted to come back but first I wanted to deal with this. Deal with my trust issues... We went to a cafe and we talked. I told him that he broke me and I lost a lot of confidence because of him.
He said that he was sorry and he didn't do this because of me but more because he saw me like a friend.
Of course, I'm still mad at him. But he was surprisingly nice.
After this he asked me how I was doing and I told him everything about us, and when I told him that I left you he was disappointed that I messed our relationship he said that I was dumb and I should come back to you. Because he said that he can see that I really love you just by the way I talked about you. After that, we said goodbye and he told me to go back to you that's it. I don't care about him I promise »

« Why didn't you tell me. You know that communication is what works. An healthy relationship is based on communication. How can I know that what you're saying is the truth. It makes me so insecure and I doubt of you. This shouldn't happen Hailee » she said still not looking at me.

God I feel so dumb. And I feel bad for her. A good girlfriend shouldn't hurt the girl she loves.

« I know it's hard to do but you have to trust me. I'm telling you the truth because I love you. And only you. It's you and nobody else okay? I understand know. No more secrets and if something is wrong or else, I'll talk to you » I said nervous that I fucked up again.

« Okay. I trust you. And I love you too » she said and I smiled a little at her calmness and how she's really mature to handle those situations.

« It's just me and you? » I asked putting softly my forehead on hers.

« It's just me and you » she repeated and I smiled.

I kissed her softly and quickly in case my family is watching us from inside.

« I'm sorry I left the table it wasn't polite. I hope you're family is not mad »

« No they understand don't worry. They're more mad at me because I didn't tell you about my ex »

« I agree you should have told me »

"I know I'm sorry I didn't wanted to worry when there's no need to"

« Hailee, no more secrets. Im serious » She said looking at me right in the eyes making me nod quickly.

« No more secret. I promise you y/n » I said kissing her forehead.

I kiss her quickly again before pulling away making her whine wanting more.

« Sorry baby but I think my whole family is watching us from inside »
We laugh before getting lost in each other's eyes.

« I love you » she whispered before kissing me again.

« I love you too baby. So much » I said pulling away making her whine again.

« Sorry babe but just wait until we're back home » I said laughing. I see her eyes sparkle when I call my house home.

« We should go back to dinner » she smiled.

« Yep » I said getting up, she takes my hand and we go back in the house.

I can feel that she's nervous so I slide my arm in her back.

Y/n pov:

« Uhm I'm sorry for leaving like this it wasn't polite Mrs and Mr Steinfeld » I said nervously.

« Don't worry y/n it's okay honey come eat » her dad said.

I sat down next to Hailee and she puts her hand on my thigh to ease my nervousness.

We finished eating and now we're all talking on the couch. « How about we watch a movie? » Hailee's mom asked, we all agreed and got comfortable.

I'm sitting between Hailee's thigh my back on her front. Her hand slide in my shirt and she starts stroking my belly under the blanket.

She feels my muscles tightened so she lean close to my ear and whisper « you're beautiful » this two words makes me calm down instantly. I lay my head on her shoulder and we start watching Shang chi.

After the movie, we head in the car and drive back home.

We come back home and do our night routine before going to sleep all cuddled in each other's arms.

It's just me and youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora