Just me and you

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Hey guys! I would like to know what you think about this chapter. If it's too fast or if it's good the way it is.
And I would like to know if you have any requests, some things I should add to the story or anything else. So please tell me :)


Chapter 11:

We sit on the bed and she start talking « Look, I'm so sorry I didn't know I swear I would never do this to you, please don't tell me you don't want to see me anymore » she rambled.

« What? Listen Hailee » I took her hands in mine « I know you didn't know of course I trust you. I'm sorry I freaked out I always do that because of my anxiety. I shouldn't have run away like that. And of course I still want to see you Hailee »

« So, what about the article? Do you mind? I mean is it a big deal that people see you with me? Or with a woman? » I asked.

« It doesn't bother me. I'm not ashamed to be seen with you. I never said I'm  straight. I never said I'm a lesbian or bi either so people will just have to deal with it »

« Cool. That's really cool. But does it bother you? You never talked about your sexuality in public »

« Well I'm a lesbian. I've known for a long time but I've never had the occasion to tell the world »

« Okay that's amazing » she said kissing my cheek quickly before getting up with me in her arms.
« Come on princess, I think the girls are worried »

I laughed « okay put me down »

« Okay okay » she put me down and kiss my cheek again « you love kissing my cheek uh »

« Absolutely. Even if I would like to kiss something else » she said tracing my lips with her finger.

« Okay miss Steinfeld! It's time to go downstairs » I kissed her cheek « you're mean » she chuckled.

We get downstairs and the girls ask us if we're okay. We talk about what happened a little, Brie reassuring me about how the public will take it.

And I suddenly remember that we hear Alycia and flo a few days ago, so I take Alycia's hand and head to the balcony.

« Aly, I think you have something to tell me?! » I can see her getting nervous. « Uhm what do you mean? » she raised an eyebrow. « Oh you know what I mean » I smirked.

I knew she wouldn't say it so I help her a little. « You slept with Florence » I said making her eyes widen.

« What- I wha- how do you know? » she said defeated.

« Me and Hailee heard you » I said simply making her blush « I guess I'm not the only fruity person here » I said chuckling.

« Listen, we were drunk and it- it just happened we couldn't help it. I noticed she has a crush on me and I mean- she's Florence I can't resist her » she said with a small smile.

« Because you two have feelings for each other?! » I said more as an affirmation than a question.

« No- well I don't know I'm so confused » she frowned.

« Listen Alycia, don't stress about it, just let the time go and you'll see. Love is love you know, you don't choose with who you fall in love » I said understanding why she's so confused as I went through this.

« Yeah we'll see » she said trying to convince herself. « Let's go inside it's cold »

We entered the living room and sat down with the girls on the couch to finish the night.

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