My angel

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Chapter 16:

I woke up feeling Hailee behind me with her arm around my waist.

I turn around and smile at her cute face. She's still asleep and she looks so peaceful.

I slowly trace the shape of her face with my fingers careful to not wake her up.

I start with her forehead, then her perfect eyebrows, I slowly go down on her beautiful nose.

I then touch her pink lips. They're perfect, they look so sweet and I really want to kiss them.

I feel her starting to stir a little and quickly smile when I see her beautiful brown eyes.

« Hey angel. You know staring is creepy » she smiled. « I can't help it » I smiled back.

« What time is it? » she asked. I looked at my phone and my eyes widened at the time.

« It's 6am » « why are you awake this early bubs? » she asked.

« I didn't know it was 6am I'm sorry my back just hurts » I sighed.

« Oh baby. Do you want a massage? »
« no it's okay, go back to sleep » I said nuzzling back in her neck.

« No! I'll do it my angel. Lay on your belly »
« your angel? » I asked with a wide smile.

« You're my angel. My Eve » she answered and my heart melted.

« And you're my Wall-e » I said proudly and she chuckled.

I took off my shirt and she applied the cream on my back.

« No bra uh » I don't see her face but I can tell that she's smirking.

« Stop Steinfeld it's 6 in the morning »
« Okay okay » she laughed.

In a few minutes with her magic hands on my back and I'm already fast asleep.

I feel her checking if I'm awake and she kiss my cheek before laying down next to me.

« Y/n baby, do you wanna put your shirt back? » she asked but I just whined and nuzzled my face in her neck.

« Okay good night my Eve » she chuckled before kissing my forehead and nuzzling in the bed with me.

Since the few weeks we've been together, it's been amazing. I've been so happy since then and she's so careful with me it always melt my heart.

I think I'm starting to fall in love with Hailee.

It's scary but it feels right and I decided to follow what my heart wants. And my heart, well not just my heart, all of me want Hailee.


When I woke up again, it was already 10am.

Hailee wasn't next to me but I hear the shower so it's surely her.

I sit up in bed, put my shirt on and wait for her in my bed.

When she get out of the bathroom she jump in the bed next to me.

« Hi baby how did you sleep? »
« Good. I sleep good when you're here »

« Why? You don't when I'm not here? » she asked confused.

« Not really. I have trouble falling asleep »

« Oh »
« My mind can't seem to shut up especially at night but when you're here, I feel safe and I only think about you » I explained.

« I'm glad you feel safe with me. And know that I feel safe with you too. If you ever have trouble sleeping when I'm not here, call me okay? Remember, it's just me and you » she said and I smiled widely.

« It's just me and you » I said back before kissing her lovingly.

The kiss quickly got heated and she was soon on top of me. Straddling my lap.

Our tongue fought together for dominance and I let her win after a minute.

She pulls away after a few minutes and she starts kissing my jaw and my neck.

I bite my lip to stop my moan and she notices it. « Hey no no angel I wanna here your voice »

I feel her hands go down under my shirt and my muscles tensed.

« You're okay baby. It's okay. It's just me. Do you want to stop? » she asked carefully.

I shook my head no and she nodded before kissing my head « we're not gonna do anything today okay? We will just go step by step. Are you okay with that ? »

I nodded blushing at her care «  thank you for being so gentle and patient. I'm sorry for making you wait and for always being so nervous »

« hey don't apologize. You need time to fully trust me and that's completely okay. I need time to trust people too but I don't manifest it the same as you do. It doesn't bother me to go at your pace. And you're making a lot of progress I can see it »

I kiss her so lovingly that she lets out a gasp but she instantly kiss back.

« You're truly amazing Hailee »

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