Chapter 9

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A/N: Just so that everyone knows, some information about NYC in this chapter may be incorrect. I have never been there and didn't feel like doing too much research for one chapter of a fanfic, sooooo.... yeah. Don't believe the things I say about NYC.

 Don't believe the things I say about NYC

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Sophie POV:

"Sophie, what are you gonna do?" Biana asked for the millionth time.

"I'm going to New York. It's the only thing I can do. I'm not going to lose Keefe." Sophie decided.

So she started packing, the she realized, "B, I don't know how long I'm going to be gone. I have to stay as long as it takes for me to convince him to come back."

Biana gave her an Are you kidding? look, "Sophie Elizabeth Foster."

"Uh oh." Sophie muttered.

"If that boy meant anything he said in that letter, then the second he sees you he's going to come straight back to Cali. The poor guy would do anything for you." She flipped her hair, "Trust me."

"I do trust you." Sophie sighed, "Okay. I'll pack for three days just in case."

So she packed and went online to buy plane tickets. It was hard to find good priced tickets, but she eventually did it.

"Okay, my flight's in four hours, can you drive me to the airport?" 

"Anything for love." Biana smirked. Sophie sighed.

Sophie put her bags in the car and they took off. It only took about ten minutes to get to the airport, but to Sophie it felt like an hour. When they got there Biana helped Sophie unload her suitcase. Sophie shouldered her backpack and pulled Biana into a quick hug, whispering, "Wish me luck."

Biana smiled slightly sadly, "Good luck." And with that Sophie turned away, entering the busy airport.

Sophie got her ticket from a nice old lady who told her, "You are a beautiful young lady. Your flight number is 237." Sophie thanked the woman and made her way to the security line.

After making it through security, Sophie made her way to her gate. By the time she found it she only had half an hour before boarding started. And she had no idea where Keefe lived, so she decided to take a risk. She texted Fitz.

Sophie: Hey, sorry to bother you but do you know Keefe's new address? It's important.

It took a minute, but eventually Fitz replied.

Fitz (Ritz): Yeah. It's 1890 Elm Wy. and First St.

Sophie: Thank you SO much. You have no idea what it means to me.

Fitz (Ritz): Np. Love you.

He must have realized how that would sound because he texted again almost immediately.

Fitz (Ritz): Sorry. Force of habit.

Sophie: Lol. Gotta go, thanks again!

Just then a voice announced over the intercom, "Flight 237 now boarding. I repeat, Flight 237 now boarding."

Sophie rolled her suitcase over to the gate and got in line. She boarded the plane, found her seat, and finally let herself be slightly scared. She was worried about what Keefe's reaction to her arrival would be. Would he even want her there? But when the plane started to move Sophie's only thought was, No turning back now. So she put her headphones on and tried to enjoy her flight.

Sophie's plane had a smooth landing and she could not be more grateful. Sophie was on the brink of getting airsick, and she got off the plane as soon as she could. She entered Keefe's address into her phone and hailed a taxi.

"Hello, ma'am." The guy said in a raspy voice, "Where to?" Sophie gave him the address and he took off. There was a lot of traffic, but they got there in less than half an hour. Sophie thanked and payed the driver. The man helped her carry her suitcase to the doorstep and said, "G'day ma'am."

"Oh, thank you." Sophie replied. She studied the front of Keefe's new house. It was large. Bigger than his old one, and painted in a deep blue. The door was a golden brown and had an electric doorbell with a camera. Sophie was just about to ring the doorbell when a voice behind her said, "Sophie?"

 Sophie was just about to ring the doorbell when a voice behind her said, "Sophie?"

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Keefe POV:

New York was really busy. Keefe had known that before, but it was even busier than he had imagined. But he didn't even notice the people around him. He was too busy missing Sophie.

Come on, Keefe. You told yourself that you wouldn't do this. Stick to the plan. 

It was that thought that had him checking Google Maps, making sure that he was on the right street. Not only was New York big and busy, but the streets were also really confusing. Then there were the buildings. He had gone grocery shopping on his first day there only to find that the Save Mart was three stories up above a jewelry store and a real estate office. It was strange and would take a lot of getting used to, but it wasn't like Keefe could go back to California. Plus, there were tons of jobs for artists here. 

But his mind was warring with his heart in an endless circle. It went something like this:

Heart: Sophie. I have to go back to Sophie.

Head: No. She doesn't love me. She's probably happy that I'm gone.

And it just kept going, on and on and he didn't know what to do. So when he got home from the craft store, he never expected Sophie to be waiting on his door step. She was facing the door, reaching for the bell, but it was deffinitely her. Keefe was so surprised that he dropped his bags and gasped her name, "Sophie?"

 Keefe was so surprised that he dropped his bags and gasped her name, "Sophie?"

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A/N: Wow. That chapter was way more difficult than it should have been, but there's been a lot going on for me lately. I had a slight writer's block, but I'm better now. There's still lots of drama, but I'll survive. Thanks for sticking with me and the story this far. Also please comment. I want feedback, good or bad, and I like hearing from you. That's all.


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