Chapter 5

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Still Sophie POV:

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Still Sophie POV:

Sophie woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. All of her sweet dreams about Keefe had turned into a nightmare where Fitz was yelling and accusing her of not loving him, and asking her why all of their years together meant nothing to her. Then Keefe was there and when he tried to defend her, Fitz tackled him to the ground, and the rest was a blur until Fitz disappeared, promising that he would be back. That was when Sophie saw that Keefe's chest was no longer rising and falling, and when she grabbed his hand, it was cold, his wrist pulseless.

As she came to, she realized that tears were rolling down her cheeks, and her hair was plastered to her head with sweat. She got up, and quietly walked out of the room, grabbing her bag, shoes, and keys on the way out. She drove home subconsciously, lost in thought. 

If I'm dating Fitz again---at least I  think I'm dating Fitz again---and I'm, having dreams about Keefe, what can I do? I love Fitz, I really do, but...not the way I used to. I used to think that I would go to the ends of the Earth to earn his love, but I don't really need his love anymore. 

She took a deep breath., and admitted something to herself. I like Keefe. Ok. But I can't tell him! He probably was just worried about me, last night . He doesn't care about me, he barely knows me! Fine. I'll ask him if he wants to hang out sometime, and then I'll see what happens from there. Good plan, Sophie. Nice work.

She laughed at herself.

When she got home, she checked the time. It was a little after 6:00, but there was no way that she would be able to sleep. She decided to text Fitz.

Sophie: Hey, sorry that I left, but I couldn't sleep, so I figured that I would go home. 

She paused. When they were dating, they had usually ended most of their texts with an I love you! or a ❤️, but she wasn't feeling it, so she sent the text how it was. She wasn't expecting a response, but she got one. When she did, she realized that she needed to change his name back to Fitz in her phone. She had just gotten a text from "SUPER IDIOT DAMN JERKFACE!!!"

The text read: It's fine. I miss you, though. Wanna meet up for a brunch?

She changed his name back to Fitz (Ritz) in her phone then responded: Sure! Can I bring Biana and maybe Keefe? Or is it an Us Thing?

Fitz (Ritz): You can bring them, I guess. But I wanna take you, just you, to the movies later!

Sophie: Absolutely! See you soon!

Fitz (Ritz): 😁❤️

It was almost 7:00, now. Sophie got dressed in ripped jeans and a red sweatshirt with white sneakers. She pulled her hair into a french braid, and grabbed her phone.

(Sophie's outfit):

(Sophie's outfit):

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