Chapter 7

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Sophie POV:

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Sophie POV:

As they pulled up to the coffee shop Sophie saw Fitz's car first. And then she saw Fitz.

He looked about ready to murder somebody, but he was clearly trying to hide it. Sophie and the others got out of the car. Sophie made sure that the others had all of their stuff then locked the door. 

"Hey! You're early!" She called to Fitz, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah. Were we carpooling? I didn't know."

"Oh. Keefe stopped by the house right before Biana dragged me to the mall for the Sunday Sale. We came here from there." She walked over to him. Keefe decided to chime in.

"I'm starving. Can we go inside already?"

"Sure." Fitz responded, interlacing his finger's with Sophie's. He nudged Biana's arm with his elbow in greeting, but ignored Keefe completely as he came up and linked elbows with Sophie, making her smile at him in surprise. She looked away just as quickly, feeling her cheeks grow red.

What are you thinking? You have to break up with Fitz after the movie.

The thought made her sad, but not as sad as it would have a year ago. Face it. We've grown apart. There will always be the good memories, but the spark is gone.

She smiled sadly to herself, but of course Keefe noticed. He glanced at her, "Hey, you ok? You look like you're about to cry."

She turned to face him, "I'm good. Promise."

He didn't look convinced, but he let it go, much to Sophie's relief. They sat down at a table right next to a window and ordered a whole bunch of waffles and coffee. As they were waiting for their food, Biana interrupted Sophie's thoughts about the drama that breaking up with Fitz and possibly dating Keefe would cause. Biana gave Sophie a look that said all too clearly:

I know what you're thinking, and we will talk about it later.

Sophie replied with a look that said:

Really? Who has thoughts? Not me, that's who.

Biana: Oh, is that why you're going to break up with my brother? Because you did too much 'not thinking'?

Sophie: I hate you.

Biana: You don't mean that. I know you don't. I can practically read your mind.

Sophie: Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny.

"See. Girls have their own language. They communicate with facial expressions, and eyes, and eyebrows, and thoughts. Frankly, it's creepy." Keefe said, interrupting their silent conversation/argument.

"Do you mind?"Sophie asked.

"Yes! You two scare me."

"Boo." She deadpanned.

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