Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my absolute first time writing anything, so it may be terrible. Just a warning. I may not do author's notes before and after every chapter, but I will sometimes. Anways, please comment. I want to know what I am doing wrong and I love constructive criticism. (Also if you see any spelling or grammar errors, those always bug me.) This may seem like a Sophitz story at first, but I promise that it is NOT.


Sophie POV

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Sophie POV

Sophie was very glad that it was over. It was the last day of school ---the last day of college--- and then she didn't have to worry about homework, or grades, or drama... well, maybe a little drama. She and Biana were renting a nice, modern apartment together. She would visit her parents, but she knew that if she stayed at home Grady and Edaline would drive her crazy with questions. How things were with Fitz, how did it feel being a college graduate, had she talked to Amy lately, and more, she knew. Still it felt weird to not be packing her things. Biana had decided that she couldn't let Sophie stay in the apartment alone, so she was staying too. Sophie had a sneaking suspicion that Biana just didn't feel like packing. Lazy Biana. Still, she couldn't complain, at least not yet...

"She's doing it again."

"I know."

The voices interrupted her train of thought.

She turned around and saw the teal eyes that she loved. Fitz. And another set of larger teal eyes that she loved even more. Biana. She wasn't sure how she felt about Fitz anymore. They had been spending less and less time together lately. Oh, well. She was sure that he would come through and pull everything back together because that was who he was. The perfect boyfriend. She knew that. They had been dating for two years now. She had to know him better than most people. Right?

"Oh, my God, you two are so awkward!" Biana cried.

"Because you and Tam aren't?" Sophie shot back innocently, but with a wicked smile.

Tam was Biana's boyfriend. They had made it official a couple months earlier. Sophie had only hung out with him a couple times, but he was nice.

Sophie turned back to Fitz, who was leaving.

"I'll see you later?"

He flashed a perfect smile. "Of course." And he was gone.

"Come on Soph, we have to get ready for the party," Biana reminded her.


 "The one celebrating us graduating college."

"Oh! Biana I---"

"---completely forgot. I know. That was your excuse last time, but you are not getting out of this one because I planned your outfit, hair, and makeup, so you have no excuse. Ha!"

Sophie sighed in defeat.

The outfit that Biana had picked was actually pretty great. She was now wearing a red tank top dress with a jean jacket, and a pair of black Converse. Biana had painted her nails black, and--after much protesting--had put a thin layer of light makeup on her. Her hair was in a loose twisted fishtail braid with some hair still down.

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