Chapter 2

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Sophie POV

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Sophie POV

"Hi. I'm Keefe. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Sophie. Sophie Foster."

"I can tell. Fitz told me all about you." He made a face. "And I mean all about you."

Sophie blushed and glanced at Fitz who, to her surprise, was also blushing.

"I don't think I remember hearing about you. How did you meet?" 

"We've known each other since we were three. We've been best friends since then. He was also my college roommate. Right, Fitzy?" He said it casually, with his arm over Fitz's shoulder, but his eyebrows were raised so high that they almost went into his hair.

His light hair, so different from Fitz's. Maybe that's a good thing. What am I thinking?  She broke herself out of her trance.

"Um... do you want to get something to drink?" Sophie asked just to break the silence.

"That would be nice. We'll be back soon, Keefe."

"Am I not coming with you? Couple moment?" Keefe wiggled his eyebrows. Sophie blushed even harder, and led Fitz, who was glaring intensely at his friend, over to the drinks.

She whirled on Fitz. "Why haven't you told me about him? He's your best friend? That seems kind of important to know!" She whisper yelled.

"Maybe it was because I knew that this was how you'd react! You like him, don't you? Don't you?!"

"So just because I meet another guy I automatically like him? That's not fair Fitz! I love you! You know that!"

"Do you though? You haven't been acting like it lately!"

Sophie was in tears now. "I have liked you since I met you. You were one of my best friends. And you are the best boyfriend I have ever had. If you can't see that, then how well do you really know me?" She asked this quietly, dangerously, and then turned and started to walk away.

 If you can't see that, then how well do you really know me?" She asked this quietly, dangerously, and then turned and started to walk away

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Fitz POV

"Sophie. Sophie!" He tried to get to her, but a crowd been drawn by their arguing and she was lost in it. And there, at the front of the crowd, was Keefe. Fitz threw himself at his best friend. he wanted to hurt him. This was his  fault. Keefe grabbed his wrists, holding him back. 

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