Chapter 47

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- Ms. Petchpailin. Do you have the forensic reports from the Smith's case? - a man asked, peering through the office door.

- I do, Mr. Jacobbs. I'll get them to you as soon as I finish reading them. - Mon answered him, with her eyes stuck on the papers on her desk. - They are quite complicated to understand.

- Okay. Thank you. But be fast. We're meeting the family in two hours.

Jacobbs left in a hurry and, a few seconds later, the phone rang on Mon's office.

- Charlotte, I'm in the middle of something quite urgent. - she told her secretary, looking at her old watch.

- I'll be quick, then. - the young woman said. - You have a call from Thailand. She said it's not work related, but she needs to talk to you. Do I put her on?

Mon sighed. She knew exactly who it was.

- Yes. She won't stop calling if I don't pick up.

- We both know that. - Charlotte laughed at it. - Line two is yours.

- Thank you. - she changed lines and cleared her throat. - Good morning, Yuki.

- Good afternoon for me, my friend. - the ginger answered immediately, but not in a friendly tone. - What have you been doing to not pick up my calls?

- We talked like six hours ago. And it was 3 in the morning. I needed to sleep. - she tried to excuse herself, but Yuki was not buying it.

- You know that I would have taken that argument as valid if you had answered my question, but you didn't. So, do it now and I'll leave you alone. Are you coming home?

Mon sighed once more. She still didn't know what to answer. She hadn't slept since the call thinking about what she should do.

- Should I go? - she asked both herself and Yuki. - I'm really busy right now. We're in the middle of a lawsuit that could change this country and I'm the lead attorney. How can I leave right now knowing what is at stake? This is a really important case for my career and I shouldn't leave right now.

- That has been your excuse for the past ten years. - Yuki was angry and she didn't hide it. - Find a better reason to not be here at this moment or I'll end up the call right now.

- Should I go now after all this time? - Mon didn't take long to continue. She had decided to tell Yuki everything that was going on inside her head because she felt it was the only way to find a real answer to her question. - Will she want to see me or talk to me? We haven't talked in so long that it can be awkward. And I don't want to make things even more painful after what has happened to her. It's not fair to her. - she said, with tears on the edge of her eyes.

It was time for Yuki to sigh.

- I understand that last part. - she had calmed herself down and her tone showed. She could be angry with her friend, but she wasn't going to get anywhere. - However, I think you and I know that she would like to see you in such a hard moment for her. Even though it can be tough for both of you, you need to come and be there to support her. You owe that to her after being away for so long.

- It hasn't been easy for me to be away. - she said, with her chest hurting.

- I know. But it hasn't been easy for her either. - a few seconds of silence left them thinking about what to say next. Yuki was the first one to break it. - At least for a few days. Come home, close the open wounds and then you won't have to be back here anymore if you don't want to. But I think you two owe that to each other. Don't you think?

- I know you're right. - Mon sighed. - I don't know how I'm going to tell my boss about this.

- You haven't taken a day off in ten years. - the hard tone was back, even though it wasn't because she was angry, but upset. Mon knew she couldn't say anything. She deserved those words. - I'm pretty sure she's going to understand.

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