Chapter 42

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- I'm nervous. - Sam said, walking up and down her bedroom.

- I know. I'm looking at you right now. But I'd be more hectic. So I won't judge you. - Mon replied, talking to her through a video call.

Two weeks later after their conversation in college, Sam had found the moment to come out to her grandmother. Her sister and her had planned a dinner with the older woman where Sam would tell her everything. She had asked for Nueng's support, because she was sure she wouldn't be able to do it alone. The older sibling was proud that she had decided to face her grandmother, so she would help her in anything she would ask.

- I wish I were there. I'd like to give you my support somehow. - Mon said, with a sad tone in her voice.

- I know. But you and I both know that it would have been worse. Besides, it's not the best way to meet your grandmother-in-law for the first time. - even though she was nervous, she couldn't help it but make that joke. It made Mon smile.

- You're right. I'm sure she would have criticized my clothes. - her girlfriend kept the joke going.

- I'm sure that would have been the least of your problems. She can be worse than that. - even though they were joking, Mon's face changed into a more unhappy facial expression.

- She's never going to accept me. Even if I were a man, I would have a target on my back. She would despite me.

- Listen to me. - Sam said, going towards the phone to talk closely. - Should I remind you that my mom married whoever she wanted? Yes, my grandmother had a fiancée planned for her as well and she did whatever she wanted with her life. So I really don't care what she thinks about you. I love you. That's what matters.

- I love you too. And I'm really proud of you. When you told me you wanted to talk to her, I was a bit worried this day would never come. But it did. And I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself. You're the best, Sam.

- I understand why you could feel like that. I've been leaving this matter aside because I'm scared. But, even though I still am, I have to fight for us. Or I will end up in a wedding dress in front of hundreds of people that I don't care about feeling like I've wasted my life and my happiness.

- I'm imagining you in a wedding dress and my knees feel weak. You would look gorgeous. - Sam smiled at Mon, who was biting her lip.

- I'd love to do that, but only if I'm marrying you. I'm more of a white suit girl. But you definitely would look like an angel in a white wedding dress. - they looked at each other's eyes through the screen, losing a bit of the notion of where they were.

- Don't look at me like that. - Mon grumbled and Sam reacted surprised by her words.

- Why? How am I looking at you? - she asked, with a huge smile on her face.

- You're looking at me like you want to kiss me and we can't because of this stupid phone and space between us. - that made Sam laugh, and Mon ended up following her.

- You're right. If you were here, I would kiss you right now. - she finished her words with a bit on her lips.

- Sam. I have to... - Nueng entering the room surprised the couple. The woman cut off her sentence before she could finish when she saw the girl on the phone. - Hey, sister-in-law! How are you doing? - she said, while closing the door and getting closer to her sister.

- I'm great, thank you for asking. - she answered, politely but comfortably as well. They hadn't met too many times, but Mon felt like they were in good terms with one another.

- Nueng, what are you doing here? - Sam asked, but was ignored by her sister.

- We have to meet sometime soon. You have to meet my partner, so we could do a double date or something. - she continued, making Mon laugh a bit.

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