Chapter 7

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- This has been a hell of a week. - Yuki said, sitting on the grass at lunch time.

- That's an understatement, but yes. It's been a complicated week. - Mon added, sighing.

That day was Friday. It has been 6 days since she had given Nop that ultimatum. The rest of the weekend, she had been focused on finishing the assignment the newspaper's leaders had given them and getting all her notes from that week's classes to her new laptop. Because of that, she hadn't had too much time to think about Nop.

However, Monday arrived. Yuki went to her house to have breakfast and go to school together. When they were leaving to go to the bus stop, Nop was waiting for them on the outside. Yuki had known about the conversation with Mon because she had called her on Saturday evening. She needed some space to clear her head before talking to him again. When she saw him, the ginger blocked her friend from the boy's view and asked him to leave in the most polite way she could. That surprised Mon, because she could sometimes be too irrational. Nop had asked to talk to Mon, but she didn't answer and walked to the bus station without looking at him. The minutes they were waiting for the bus were the most uncomfortable time Mon had lived in her short life. She was sad that the situation had come to that point, but she really needed to focus on herself before seeing if Nop was really going to change or if everything was just to keep her close.

During the week, Nop tried to talk to her when she wasn't with Yuki, but she avoided him by talking to her classmates or ignoring him. He lost his opportunity when he refused to answer Mon's question. Now it was time for her to not answer his questions.

Those days, she had also come across Sam a couple of times. They had always waved at each other without exchanging words. However, she hadn't been able to not smile at her when they saw each other. She didn't know why she did that. She should be careful about someone new getting in her life after what had happened with Nop, but her facial muscles seemed that they had forgotten about the boy already. It's not like she was going to complain about it. It just didn't make any sense. She had to be careful, but she needed to move on.

That Friday, Mon thought she would be able to talk to Sam, because they had a class together, the only one they shared, before lunch. So it seemed like a good opportunity to talk to her. But Yuki was trying to avoid Tee as much as she could. Because of that, when the class was over, her ginger friend asked her to pack her stuff as fast as she could and they left the room to go outside the school building. At that moment, they were sitting in the grass after they had almost run to get there.

- What do you have for lunch? - Yuki asked, while she was looking through her bag for her own food.

- Just a simple salad. I didn't really feel like cooking last night. - Mon replied, getting her meal as well. - You?

- My mum made chicken curry for herself, so I stole some before she left this morning. I should go and warm it up a bit, but I don't want to get into the cafeteria.

Mon knew why, but she played the dumb card to make fun of her friend.

- Why? Do you prefer your food to be cold? - she laughed to herself. It was the silliest question she could think of.

- No. I just don't want to come across Tee. And you know it very well, so don't play stupid with me. - Mon couldn't keep a straight face and laughed. - I hate you so much. - she put on an angry face and focused on her food.

- You don't. You love me and I know it. - Mon smiled widely, while Yuki was rolling her eyes. - But, why don't you want to see her? You really like her, but you're acting like you don't. Why are you so weird sometimes?

- I told you before. I'm trying to make it hard for her to be with me. It's not fun if I get together with her the first time we exchange words. If I just give in, it's just boring.

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