Chapter 44

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- Okay, now that we're back, I need to say this. She's faking it and you know it as much as I do. - Nueng said, sitting on the couch in her living room.

- I'm not so sure about that. - Sam replied to her sister, with an unstable voice.

- Then you are playing blind, Nong.

The two sisters had just arrived home and had welcomed the younger sister's friends, who were waiting for them. A day after their grandmother had fainted in that same room, the doctor had discharged her because she felt the old woman had nothing to worry about. However, she repeated over and over again that she felt weak and just didn't want to go back home yet. She had asked her granddaughters to drive her to the house on the beach, where she wanted to be for a few weeks. She had asked the girls to stay with her, but they had to go back to their lives, so the handmaiden would accompany her. After a few days, they were back home. Because her grandmother wasn't there, Sam had suggested her friends hang out there for once. Tee, Kate and Jim were all sitting on the couches, while listening to the conversation between the two sisters.

- You don't want to believe that our grandmother can be an awful person, but she is when it comes to you. She's also been the worst to me, but I've never let it affect me the way it does to you. I understand that you believe you own her something, but you don't. For example, she's the one who's enjoying our parents' money, not the other way around. You don't even have a car of your own because you think you'll be asking her for too much! - Nueng sighed, taking a deep breath. - Listen, I just want you to be aware of how she is. What she wants from you.

- She wants me to marry Kirk. - Sam said, looking at her sister's eyes. - She wants me to be her heir. I know that really well. You don't need to remind me.

- And you don't want that. - Nueng cut her words short. - We both know that. So why are you acting like you're brave coming out last week didn't matter?

- Because I'm scared of losing her. I'm terrified that the faintness is a sign of a much worse thing coming her way. This one could have been fake and she could be exaggerating her pain, but it may happen for real in the near future. And I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave in a word without our grandmother. - Sam swallowed, trying to push down the lump in her throat. - When I came out last week, I thought she may push me away, but not that she could end up dying. - her chest was full of pain saying that. A few tears had started filling her eyes. - At the same time, I don't want to lose Mon. I love her with all my heart. I know that I'm not going to love a person the way I love her. So why is it so hard? Why can't I have it all?

Sam started crying. She couldn't contain herself anymore. Kate, who was the one closest to her, held her tight between her arms. They all understood her pain, even though they didn't get how she could still love someone like her grandmother. However, they knew how important the woman was to her and they respected that.

- I understand that you can't go against your grandmother after what has happened, but you have someone in your life that is not compatible with her. - Tee finally said when Sam calmed down a little. - So, what are you going to do about Mon?

Sam's chest hurt even more. She knew very well that the situation was a turning point for their relationship. And Mon was about to get there, so she needed to find the answer to that question fast.


- I can't go in there right now. - Mon said, a few steps away from Sam's house's gate, shaking and nervous.

- You have to, and you know it. - Yuki crossed her arms in front of her. - It's been a week since you last saw her and a lot of things have happened. More specifically, a huge thing has happened to you. And you only have a few days to say something back. So you must talk to Sam and solve this situation. Besides, I'm sure that the thing with her grandmother is going to affect you two, so you must talk.

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