Chapter 29

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- Should we sit here? - Sam asked Mon, pointing at a table in the corner of the place.

- Sure. It has natural light that I prefer to read with it rather than artificial lighting.

Sam nodded and they both sat on the couches closest to the windows from the entrance to the coffee shop. Each one of them had a book in their hands. Sam also carried a tray with two coffees and a dessert they were going to share. They both were really excited about that day. They had been doing some research about the place and had found out the great amount of books that were on its shelves. It felt like a dream to them being able not only to fulfill their passion for reading in the comfortable couches of a coffee shop, but also to do it together. To make matters even more fun, and to find out who knew the other better, they had decided to pick a book for their friend to read. For them both, it had been a challenge because they didn't want to fail by choosing the wrong book and, at the same time, wanted to impress the other one with an unexpected choice. It had taken them more time that they had originally thought, but both hoped it was worth it.

- Okay. Here you have your coffee. - Sam said, leaving a cup in front of Mon.

- Thank you. I really need it. - Mon drank, while Sam finished setting the table.

- Hard day? - Sam asked, looking at Mon tasting the dessert.

- This red velvet is awesome. Great choice. - she said, with the fork still in her lips. That made Sam smile, while she congratulated herself internally. Mon left the fork beside the plate and sat comfortably on the couch. - It has been stressful, to say the least. One of our professors is urging us to find a law firm for an internship this summer. I'm aware that I need one so I can have a more certain future, but I don't need her to remind me about it in every single one of her classes. I don't need any more added pressure. She says she wants to be helpful, but it's not coming through like that at all. Besides, if she wanted to be helpful, she could sign us all up to her Law firm. That would be more helpful. I would even pay attention to her classes if she did. - they ended up laughing at that comment. Then, Sam thought of something that could be useful.

- If you need an internship and you don't find one, maybe I could help. - Mon frowned. - Kirk's uncle is a lawyer. He is a senior at a law firm really well known in the city. Perhaps you can work there. I can talk to Kirk and...

- Sam, stop. - Mon said, cutting her sentence short. - I know you want to help and I really appreciate that. It would obviously be helpful, but I need to find a firm on my own. Even if they chose me because of my grades or my aptitudes, I would feel like I didn't deserve it. What we can do is this. You tell me the name of the firm and I apply on my own. - Sam nodded, understanding.

- I'm certain that, you being a great student, anyone would want you in their firm. - Mon smiled, thanking her.

- Let's change the topic. - she grabbed the book she had beside her and put it on her knees, making sure Sam couldn't see the title. - Let's exchange books. Who wants to go first?

- Can I go first? - Mon agreed and Sam put the book behind her back. - So, I hadn't read this book before, but one of the members of the club suggested it and now I'm obsessed. And, reading it, it reminded me of you, I don't know why. - Mon smiled and blushed a little. - The story is about a young girl who wants to be a writer, but doesn't come out of her bedroom at all. She ends up being pushed to come out and a lot of twists and turns happen. I hope you like it. - Sam gave her the book and smiled.

- The plot already has me hooked, so I'm sure I'm going to love it. - she then turned her book. - So, I haven't read this book in years, so I don't remember everything that happens in it through and through. However, what I recall is me sitting on my bed for hours reading it. My mom said I was too attached to it, but I had good reasons. - they both smiled and Mon tried to summarize the plot. - It is centered around a woman who hates her life and what she's doing with it. And then, she finds a weird book in her house that she has never seen before. It allows her to travel through time and space to live the stories she can't in her real world. That will make her decide what she wants to do with her life: keep it how it is or change it. It's actually really great. - she gave it to Sam and realized she had a tear running through her face. - Sam, are you okay?

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