Chapter 36

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- Are you nervous? - Yuki asked through the screen of the phone.

Mon was looking at herself in the mirror of her bedroom. She was wearing a dark blue blouse and white long trousers. She wasn't looking at her clothes, though. She was trying to calm herself down. She was about to come out to her parents, or tell her that she was dating a girl, which was close enough, and she was anxious. She was confident that her parents were going to accept her, but that didn't make the situation any less difficult. She was going to open herself to them and she wanted to express herself in the best way possible. So she had been practicing with her best friend for the past hour.

- What do you think? - she turned to look at the phone. - I'm going to introduce my partner to my parents, something that has never happened before. Besides, that partner is a woman and I have to explain to them how I'm so in love with her that even though we have been together for less than a year, I don't see sharing my life with anyone else but her. - she stopped to sighed. - So yes. I'm nervous. But that's normal, right? - Yuki smiled at her.

- Of course it's normal. You should have seen how I was when I came out to my parents. They weren't too supportive in the beginning. Now they are, but it took them some time. But we both know your parents are going to be okay with you being with her.

- I hope everything goes right. - Mon looked at her watch, the one Sam had bought her for their six month anniversary, and sighed once more. - It's time. I have to go. Wish me luck.

- You don't need it. - Yuki said, smiling. - You've got this. Call me when you're done.

Mon nodded and waved goodbye before she ended the call. Then she looked at herself in the mirror once again. 'Everything will go well', she encouraged herself and left her bedroom.

While she walked downstairs, she heard her parents in the kitchen. They already knew the person she was dating was coming to have dinner with them, but she hadn't told them anything else. She said they were having dinner and, before that, she would explain more about it. She thought that, if she did everything all at once, it would be easier. It wasn't.

Mon entered the kitchen and saw her parents talking like the married couple they were: fighting about something related to food. She laughed a little and they noticed her presence, ending the conversation.

- Mon, you're looking really pretty tonight. - her father said, with a proud smile on her face.

- She has to. She's going to see the person she likes. It's not like she's going out with her friends. She has to look nice. - her mom commented. Mon swallowed. She was teasing her.

- Mom. Dad. Can we talk for a bit before dinner? - Mon asked, looking at her hands instead of her parents. They looked at each other and smiled.

- Okay. You wanted to explain something, right? - she nodded at her mother's question. - Let's sit on the couch, then.

The three of them sat on the couches in the living room. Mon was alone in the armchair and her parents were together on the sofa. She was silent for a few seconds, collecting her thoughts. And her parents could see it, so they waited for her to speak. Finally, realizing that she couldn't avoid the conversation and wait any longer, she sighed and started talking, looking at her parents rather than her hands.

- So, I've been in a relationship for the past eight months already. We started as friends, but, without realizing it, we started falling in love. It's true that it took some time for both of us to realize what our feelings meant, especially me. But now, we're happy and in a committed relationship. I wanted to tell you that I love her deeply. I've never felt something like this before. Maybe you could tell me that we are young and we need to live other experiences, but I'm certain about how I feel. I love her and I don't see myself with anyone else. And I believe that I'm making the right decision being with her. - at that moment, she realized how many times she had already used the word 'her', so she decided to explain that. - I was going to talk about that later. But now that the cat is out of the bag, I should emphasize that you haven't heard incorrectly. I'm dating a woman. The most beautiful one I've ever seen in my entire life. And maybe it can be hard for people to understand that two women can be in love. But we are. And that person is Sam. - she stopped talking for a moment and looked at her parents. They had kept the 'I am listening' face all the time. She wasn't sure what that could mean. - So now that I think I've explained myself, do you want to say anything? - he asked, with worry in her voice.

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