15.6 Wake Up!

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After a cold December night, the morning sun peeks into the room where Alex and Demetrius sleep. The rays slowly flicker between the trees, greeting with arms of light stretching through the woods. Gold and orange hues paint the remaining snow with warmth. Birds sing their morning song and squirrels run up and down the trees looking for breakfast. The giant morning star sneaks into the room and silently crosses the floor. Shadows that cast on the floor crawl up the beds and disperse into the ceiling.

I lean on the entrance door of the infirmary checking on the two sleeping and flinch when I see movement. Alex groans a bit and then blinks his eyes open. Everything must be so bright to him despite the small amount of light beginning to fill the room. Alex runs his fingers through his hair sighing at the exhaustion. He grabs his neck and groans. His throat must be dry and itchy with how long he slept. He squints into the light and takes in his surroundings. Alex recognizes the infirmary immediately and relaxes knowing he is home.

I'd feel that way too if the last thing I remember is the battle field. He pulls out the oxygen from his nose, still not noticing my presence and then freezes as something has his eyes rolling back in what looks like pleasure. I think this is my cue to leave.


Musk and rosewood fill my lungs, my mate. I actually have a mate. Everything inside me does somersaults. Tingles travel up my arm from my right hand which I now realize is holding on to someone. I turn to the person beside me. How? Demetrius is asleep with an IV hooked in his other arm like me. He stirs a bit. Demetrius is my mate! I stare at his beautiful features still trying to process this new fact. I would have given everything to make him my mate. I had fallen for him before our training, way before he showed even the slightest interest in me. My mind always led to him.

My eyes follow down his half-naked body. The pure muscles of his chest and perfectly sculpted abs makes my mouth water. His enticing v-line leading to the grand prize I've felt so many times through his jeans make my knees weak. Damn all of that is mine now? I prayed every day to the goddess to not let me fall in love but I am and now I no longer need to feel bad about it. What I can't understand is why am I only smelling him now? That one question knocks my sense into check.

I can only assume it is the medication I'm on that awakened me like this but still. This sudden burst of pheromones flooding my senses is hazing my better judgement. I bite my lip staring at his package remembering his size from the times he pressed it against me. A small growl gathers in my throat but I shake it off. This isn't the time to think such lewd thoughts.

"Like what you see, pup?" A raspy voice pulls me from my thoughts a welcomed distraction although his question is stimulating as well.

I nod my head with a wicked smile still partially lost in my own fantasy world that is now forming, overwriting my rationality. Demetrius' eyes nearly pop out his head at my direct response. I giggle snapping out of it and blushing an even tone of red from the ridiculous look on his face. The embarrassment now that the initial onslaught of the pheromones is fading allows the hidden throbbing headache to come through.

Dr. Michael comes in and Demetrius flinches his hand but I squeeze it tight. I am never letting this man go.

"Shit, that hurts." I place my hand on my head with my eyes closed.

"You guys sure took your time to wake up," Dr. Michael smiles and walks around to remove my IV. "How do you feel?" He looks over at us curiously.

"Thirsty," I croak out. He nods and pours me a glass of water, which I chug.

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