18.Sleepless Nights

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Another night and no sleep. The moon is high and here I am unable to close my eyes. Ever since that first nightmare I had, I keep having others. They all begin in complete darkness but I say something different each time. Iris snuggles into her pillow next to me. She just falls back asleep tired as much as I am. Poor thing wakes up every time I have a nightmare. Somehow she experiences each one with me. Eventually I had to say something to her brother and the others but they can't make anything of it either.

I toss my covers aside and gently slip out of the bed making my way to the back yard. I fill my lungs in a deep cold breath. Its the best way to clear my mind. The new moon is in a few days and I cant wait to give into Zeus and run free. It's also a couple weeks until Christmas. Everyone is excited. There has been a lot of crazy going on in the last month. 

Aside from the battle and overall stress, we also thankfully have some good. Alpha Robert is back with his pack. He held a meeting to elect a new Alpha because despite surviving, he isn't physically fit to be the Alpha of the pack. He received too much damage in his torso and even lost a rib. As for our pack, a few members have new pups bringing in new members to our growing family.  So you can imagine the Christmas tree. A lot of the presents are stuffed under the tree we set in the family room. It's barely been set up a day and its already over flowing. I sigh into the night watching my breath disappear with the cold. What do my dreams mean? 

"Can't sleep either?" Alex steps out next to me bundled up. I'm so proud of this guy. He has always been the weaker wolf but always holds his own. He grew up so much in the last year and a half. He is my favorite of the pups in our pack but I'll never tell him that.

"Yea. I actually had a strange dream." I cross my arms looking out to the stars hoping for a lost answer to shine.

"Oh I love dreams. I'm really good at deciphering them... most of the time. Tell me", Alex looks like he just won a million dollars. The excitement in his eyes is adorable. 

"Well, I am always in the dark but every time I have the dream I say something different." Alex nods his head with a serious pensive look and I continue. "At first, I felt alone and was looking for people. Then in another I was arguing with someone. Then in another its sounds like a battle. but with each dream its getting harder to understand what's happening like if they are fading memories."

"At first it sounds like maybe you're manifesting your anxiety of what we went through but they keep changing so what if you are foreseeing something. Something that is going to happen?" Alex paces a bit back and forth.

"Hmmm, interesting. Do you think Iris being able to see my dreams has something to do with it?" I turn to Alex as he stops pacing.

"What if she isn't seeing your dreams but you are seeing hers instead?" Alex clearly has a lightbulb going off in his head. "You guys finally completed the bond right? To do that you need to bite her causing you to swallow her blood. So what if her elf blood is allowing you to see her dreams and she is the one with the ability to foresee?"

"Alex are you smoking weed again? I thought I told you to stop." For a minute he has me going but he clearly secretly smoked one too many.

"No, I haven't touched that stuff in years, you meany. She has magic in her blood and not just any magic. The high elf clan runs through her. Her powers will begin to grow in way we wont understand since she is the last of her kind. All we have is..." Alex begins jumping in excitement. "The book, where's the book?"

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