13.6 Small Talk

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"You think a bit of magic display and I will run? Liber de Buer runs from no one" He squeezes an already unconscious Atlas even tighter threatening to snuff out the bit of life that is left within him.

"STOP!" I wake up in sweat screaming making Kristofer jolt from his own sleep as well. We fell asleep in the living room with me on his lap, which I am now finding more comfortable than my bed. Uncle Robert runs into the room.

"What's wrong deary, ya alright?" Uncle Robert walks over to the sofa.

"Sorry, I guess I had a nightmare."

"About what?" Kristofer wipes the hair that's clinging to my forehead and tucks it behind my ear.

"About what just happened with Liber but different." I look up with my eyes watering.

"Oh deary, don't worry, we are all here for ya. We will stay until this is settled." Uncle Robert squeezes my knee in reassurance and gets up. "Want some coffee?"

"No, its okay. Thanks. "

"Want some hot chocolate instead?" Kristofer whispers into my ear.

"Yes, please." I whisper back.

"So that's how it is huh." Uncle Robert chuckles, "come say hi to Pearson, he arrived after you fell asleep." He calls out as he leaves the living room.

"Who's Pearson?" Kristofer lifts me off his lap.

"His son. We grew up like cousins but I haven't seen him since my fathers funeral. We were all so close back then." I reply and melt against Kristofer comforting hand on my cheek.



The house is oddly quiet despite the amount of bodies currently occupying it. It is my first time meeting most the of the wolves here but I am grateful for the new connections. They all seem like nice allies and Atlas seems to view them more like family. Luna Melody is definitely a character.

"How long do you plan on staring son?" Luna Melody lifts a brow with a smirk.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was staring." I look down at my sandwich. Her aura is so much like my mother that I instinctively looked down.

"I can tell. You seemed lost in thought." She walks over and sits across from me. "Want to talk about it?"

"It's nothing really. Just thinking on all that's happened over the last few months and now this maniac." I shrug my shoulders and take a bite from my sandwich.

"Mom, this is bullshit." A young wolf walks into the kitchen in a huff.

"Watch your mouth. This isn't your home." Luna Melody snaps.

"Sorry Alpha Kristofer." The wolf gives a slight bow. So slight it was barely noticeable. Cheeky little wolf.

The wolf looks strong, more so than most female wolves. Her strong light caramel skin expresses the chisel in her muscles. Long black curls dance with every movement she makes. One particular part is braided underneath and adorned with golden cuffs and intertwined with a white leather thread. All of it to frame her beautifully soft features with one green eye while the other hazel. Still Iris is be-

"What's the problem?" Luna Melody breaks my train of thought so I take another bite of my sandwich.

"Veronica broke up with me because she said she wants someone who she can go steady with."

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