15. The Truth

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I never thought I will see this day. A day where the living and the dead collide. Never have I knocked on death's door this much. I am honestly grateful death never answered, although there were moments. Ever since the great war of Gaea Cry 500 years ago, there has not been a need for war. So much blood was shed between all the different species that our numbers dwindled immensely back then. All of our numbers did but it achieved a peace that has kept us all from repeating history since. Yet, now we can add fighting with the dead to the new tide that is turning. How did it come to this?

I stand in piles of bones naked and covered in wounds. Some have healed while others are still fresh. I'm worn out from head to toe. But I pull whatever I can from the depths within me and begin to look around for the wounded while removing the dead.

Few of the men I am finding are okay but the injuries will be hard to heal from. Too many of our men have lost their lives or are barely hanging on to it. My Beta and the Beta's of the others already took care of most of our fallen but it is a price that grows bigger still as I walk through trees that are scarred from our claws. A chill runs down my spine and it's the first time I feel a bit of the cold from winter's breath. Either that or it's the chill from the souls we lost leaving earth to meet our goddess.

I look down and my knees grew weak. Down I go next to the head of a young wolf. I had only just met him and spoke with him about how great he will be as teacher. He wanted to work with children and couldnt wait to find his mate so he can start his own family. As I look into the lifeless eyes of the detached head that rests on the ground beside me.

"Manny, you met our goddess too soon." I sob my words and close his greying eyelids with my finger tips. I gather dirt in my hand and hold it up in the air, "welcome him into your shimmering light. Let his wolf find another. Let his soul find peace with you goddess. From this life and on to the next he travels forth." I dab my thumb into the dirt in my palm and paint a crescent on Manny's forehead.

My heavy heart sobs again as I carry his head back to his body that sits slumped by a tree not far away.

"Scott..." I call out but my exhaustion is taking over. I can barely move a muscle. I lean on a tree that is graciously supporting me.

"Alpha Atlas, are you okay?" Scott limps towards me.

"I see you're hurt as well. Can you help me walk around? I need to assess the rest of the area." I hold out my arm and Scott kindly nods and puts it over his shoulder.

Together we continue walking. In the distance I see Spike limping badly and carrying someone familiar. "Is that....Ithil?" I look at Scott who shrugs. "I think it is. I hope he is okay but they are too far away for me to tell."

"I'm sure he is or they would have come to you by now." Scott tries to reassure me and it works...a little.

"Alpha Atlas, isn't that Beta Mavis?" Scott nods in the direction he is looking and I follow with already watery eyes.

"Mavis!" I let go of Scott and stumble my way over to him. No one bothered to remove the bone he was stabbed with. I call out to him once more but he doesnt move. Scott touches his skin and then looks at me worried.

"He feels cold," Scott whispers.

I pull out the bone in anger that no one took the time to do as much knowing he wouldnt be able to heal if the bone stayed lodged within him. "Didn't I leave him with you? Why didn't you help him as I continued fighting?"

"I...I...have no excuse. I was fighting as well and got carried away. I have no words Alpha Atlas, I am sorry." Scott's eyes water in fear and I realize it's wrong of me to put the blame on him. I was there too protecting Mavis. These men are my responsibility, not Scotts.

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