17. Forever Dirty

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Why is it so dark?

Iris? Cassius? Demetrius? Where is everyone?

My chest, I can't breathe.

Someone, anyone, help me!

I I-I can't brea-...

I wake up sweating and panting next to my mate. I don't understand what just happened. That nightmare I had is definitely not mine. I look over at Kristofer who is whimpering and tossing in his sleep. He looks like he is in pain.

"Babe, wake up" I shake him a bit but he doesn't respond. Instead he whimpers louder. "Babe, wake UP!" I shake him harder. His eyes pop open and a tear rolls down one eye.

"Wa-was I dreaming?" He fumbles his words confused.

"Yes, babe. Its okay now. Are you alright?" I lay back down next to him.

"I guess. The dream was so weird though. It was dark and I couldn't see where I was going. I called out to people but no one answered me. I ran and ran but then I couldn't breathe. I really felt like I was suffocating." He looks over to me taking in my appearance as well.

"This is... are you sure you're remembering your dream correctly?" I cannot believe it's exactly what I dreamt. Is it a new power?

"Yes, why?", Kristofer sits up on his elbows eyeing the sweat on my forehead.

"I had the same exact dream and I even knew it wasn't my own. I was like a fly on the wall but I still felt all the emotions from it. When I woke up I saw you having a nightmare too." This is insane. I sit up on the bed brushing my hair back with my fingers. Might as well get my day started.

"So, you intercepted my dream? How?" I shrug and slip on the pajama pants I had on the floor. At this point I can't make heads or tails. I'm simply exhausted and I will chalk it up to that for now.

"I don't know but lets keep this between us. I'm not sure if this is a mate bond thing or my powers growing. Let's see if it happens again." I turn to go shower. I don't want to think about it right now. I just want to focus on helping with the wedding, helping out Alpha Robert with his recovery, and myself. It's been several days since Liber and I haven't had time to process. Rather, I haven't given myself time. I take every distraction I can get. Suddenly strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Where do you think your going?" Kristofer begins kissing my neck sweetly.

"Eww stop I was sweating, let me shower." I struggle because it feels amazing despite him being gross.

"I don't care, you're about to get a whole lot sweatier than this anyways." He tosses me onto the bed like a rag doll. I giggle because I am always down for business. I am not saying no to sex with this man, ever.

"Well then Alpha, what did you have in mind?" I arch my back running my hand down my chest and into my pants.

A growl escapes his throat. Oh, I'm in for it. For some reason whenever I call him Alpha, it lights a fire under him that turns him into a beast.

Kristofer crawls onto the bed and pulls off my pants in a move so quick it doesn't even register to me. He lines kisses up my legs and then stops at my core. His hands move up my body like a snake stalking its prey. They each find my breast and latch on, kneading them simultaneously. I moan with ripples of electricity sparking with each touch. I look down and he stays there between my legs in pure torture. His hot breath heavy against the thin fabric of my underwear. His massive hands massage my breast and his beautiful green eyes piercing through me.

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