6.Snow Blindness

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Thanksgiving was a success. I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted with Iris but we chatted here and there and sat across from each other stealing glances. I'm honestly still high from the long conversation we had that night prior. We spoke about little things. Our likes and dislikes, our favorite places to hang out, and childhood stories.

 I learned a lot about her and her dreams. The fact that she stands as the liaison between two worlds, fighting for our rights among these ungrateful humans, amazes me. She also admitted to me that she knew about her parents and mine being together. She was the only one that did since she had caught them in the act once. That might be how the they ended up with the shack. She smiled when she said she was fully supportive. I couldn't help but feel my heart tug at that moment. She then gave me a pat on the knee when I told her about my conversation with my mother.

Other than the waitress, I haven't told anyone about how I felt. This burden is somehow less to bear now that I have told her about it.

It's now Sunday night. The pack is still raving about the amounts of food that both houses prepared. Some I swear are hibernating from the continual gluttony. Too much food remained left over and everyone keeps reinventing the wheel as they form new dishes with the scraps. Sandwiches, soups, casseroles, and stuffed cabbage rolls are just a few new items on the menu made from leftovers. It's comical really.

I set out with my shovel to make a path to the cars out front. The snow fall has been steady since last night and it's piling up fast. If I was smart I would have done this last night but I was too lazy having a third serving of casserole. Now, I regret it since the snow is at least up to my ankles. Then again if I did give myself a third serving Lenny would have stolen my food. Every time that wolf comes around, food goes missing.

Working up a sweat, I begin clearing the snow leading around back. My muscles are definitely feeling the warmth as I continue to widen a walking path. A crunching sound beneath boots from a distance catch my attention. My ears perk but I continue shoveling as to not give away that I'm aware. The sound of approaching boots become increasingly louder. Why are these assholes active so early in the morning? Hunters are worse than roaches.

I stop shoveling to adjust my gloves but really, I am listening to where they could be hiding. [Kris, move now] Zeus shouts just as then the impact if a bullet hitting the tree behind me forces me to jerk out of the way. I crouch down and crab walk closer to the house and behind the garbage cans. Doing my best to scan the area I blink out the tears stinging my eyes. The sun's reflection off the snow is hurting my sight as I narrow my vision. I wipe my eyes in an effort to clear my vision but it does little to help. I close them instead, trying to let them reset and stop watering.

The bastard shooting must be using a silencer because I heard the impact and nothing else. The second bullet grazes my cheek. The men must not be professionals. Either that or they are having snow blindness as well. 

I mind link for everyone to stay inside and be on alert, then for my Beta to cover me. I slowly open my eyes and look in the direction the bullet might have come from, squinting at the brightness before me. Small movements catch my eye in the distance. A man dressed in all white camo is laying real low on the floor aiming towards me but then I spot another behind a tree. They are using distance and the glare from the snow to their advantage. These hunters are definitely more cunning than the last. Just not cunning enough.

Fucking hunters. I curse in my mind loud enough for the pack to hear. So tired of these human bastards thinking we are game for their pleasure. I mind-link one of my warriors to go to the top floor and snipe out the man behind the tree. Another shot hits the trash bag next to me but it does little to stop it , clipping my shoulder. Only being able to notice the bullet until impact puts me in a very dangerous situation. I wince, only then noticing that the wounds aren't healing. Shit the bullets are laced.

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