12.7 Despair

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I look through the window inside my cell in my brother's basement. Before he could think of a punishment for me, I asked him to put me here. I am scared to lose control again. The silver on the bars prevents me from touching them and the silver-filled chains on my wrist that were modified just for me, somehow prevent me from using my magic. I am not sure how but the simple fact of having something hallow filled with silver, isn't allowing me to produce magic.

It's been a week now. Every day I cry and scream in anger. I bang my fist against the wall until they bleed and then fall asleep from exhaustion. I hate that I am an elf, I hate that I have this darkness that wants to get out.

A cool draft seeps in from the window. The night is young and I know bathing in the moonlight will do me some good but I am scared to remove the chains.

"I wish it was me instead," I mumble to myself.

"You think Kristofer would enjoy hearing that?" Cassius walks down the stairs into the basement.

"If it was me who was hurt, I wouldn't feel this miserable." I cry again, just when I thought I had no tears left to shed.

"Don't say that. You will learn in time how to wield what you have been given. I trust you to use your abilities wisely now that you know how powerful your magic is." Cassius puts on gloves.

"What are you doing?" I snap.

"Getting you out so we can practice."

"NO!" I yell and the bars shake a little. I guess I can still use some magic after all. "I don't want to hurt anyone else. Just leave me alone."

"So, you plan on hiding down here forever? What about Kris?"

"What about him? He's better off without me. I can't...I don't want to hurt him again." I turn around and face the wall.

"Stop it Iris. You know that is not true. He is miserable right now because he hasn't seen you. You think he doesn't feel the mind fuck you are experiencing?" Cassius proceeds to remove the chains around the lock and open the cell.

"Cassius, please. I don't think I can do it."

Cassius walks in and sits on the bed, "did you know that I slept on this very bed once before?"


"I guess Atlas didn't tell you how they found me unconscious in a cave and then treated my wounds before locking me in her?" Cassius chuckles.

"No, actually. He never did." I turn to Cassius and then sit where he is patting the bed.

"It was love at first sight with your brother. I can't imagine a life without him and trust me there were times where I thought he was better off without me because of my own father." Cassius sighs and twiddles his thumbs.

"He doesn't know this but, when my father came into the picture, I thought this was it. I really thought I was going to die a young man. I had no faith in myself nor did I understand my powers. I truly think I won against him out of sheer luck and a pinch of stupid bravado."

"I can't imagine what it must have been light for you. Didn't your father want you dead?" I scoot closer to Cassius.

"Yea. He wanted me probably for the same reason your father wants you. Our blood holds great power. Yet that doesn't make us evil. It's how we use it. I think you are simply not ready to use that level of magic yet. You need to build endurance to it and heal the heart before attempting anything on that scale." My brother-in-law ruffles my hair with the giant glove he has on.

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