A Gift

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Finley and everyone were celebrating the first birthday of Quinten Dimitrescu-Triana. Finley decided to have it in Iowa where her family came from, which CoraLynn thought it was a smart idea. They rented a hut in a park which was literally right down the street from Finley's old house. Karl was playing football with Lucas and Hamura while the girls all gather round Quinten, even Tara did too.

"Tara would you mine helping, my hands out tied." Moreau ask while holding the decorations for Donna and Angie. Inca was helping out too as she and Roxanne chatted for a bit.

"Oh sure thing my love." Tara said as she helps out with them.

While everyone was setting up as Martin, Nancy and Shelby were chit chatting with each other and glancing over at the birthday boy. Amita and Miranda we're walking with Olivia as Eva and Toni had just arrived as the traffic was horrible, they had bought a house in United States but travels back to the village to spend time with them on occasionally.

~An Alleyway~

Both Alcina and Finley were together having a special moment in a car in a alley as the went to get drinks.
It got heated, both were touching, kissing and full on acting like teenagers. Finley was pinned down in the back of the sits as her wife lifted her dress somewhat passed her hips. She was soaking badly and craves Finley's touch.

"My love, Quiten's party is about to start. I-I would love to fuck y—" Finley stops after feeling what she loves.

"I-I know...just this once. Fuck me!" Alcina cups both of her partners cheek and devoured the kiss.

Her hips moved in rhythm...how her moans grew more after each stroke of those wonder fingers that are attached to Finley. Even she got wet too as Alcina used her fingers too, both working equally. The car were rocking side to side as the windows got fogged up.

~The party~

Roxanne and Gaara were looking at everyone, but the oldest son didn't see his parents and asked Bela to search for them with her Kamihi-Shihakage abilities.

There Bela touch the ground and searches for them, so many people charkas following in them. Even found some other clans families living here as well. She does find them as they were driving back from the store. She reassures that they are heading back and everything is in motion.

Quinten was laughing towards Hamura and Johnny, they both love the little peanut and look at each other with smiles. They were chatted about something important as Daniela came and joined in their conversation.
Cassandra was talking to Tara about the wonders of the sea and which Tara answered all of her questions and even showed her some tricks.

"We're back." Alcina announces and brings drinks to the table.

"Sorry, the lines at the store were back into the departments. Even self-check outs were backed too." Finley tells and hopes that her Kokorogan didn't give it away.

Everyone was ready to finally celebrate the birthday boy. Roxanne takes Quinten and places him onto the highchair which he smiles like Gaara but his eyes were Roxanne. Finley takes out her camera once again and snaps a lot of pictures of her grandson. Alcina sang birthday to him as Eva took Finley's camera and even recorded it.

"Happy birthday to yyoouuu!" Alcina had finished the song while everyone all clapped.

Gaara and Roxanne blew out the candles with Quinten. He claps and looks both sides of his parents and cheered. Everyone partied with the boy; Karl then sees a family coming with items some sort, they stopped and looked at the sign as they marched in with angry in their steps.

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