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that night we all went home and i began to try and recover.

you know how people say recovery is a bitch? they weren't lying.

after ever single meal i had to force myself to sit there and not want to puke up the millions of calories i was consuming.

i remember how ashton took away the mirrors in my room and covered the bathroom one so i couldn't see what exactly i looked like.

now, i'm in the car with calum on the way to louis office to see if i can increase my calorie intake.

as of right now, i was consuming around 1000 calories per day and slowly but surly putting on weight.

we arrived and i almost didn't want to go in. what if i had gotten really fat.

"you okay?" calum asked as he looked over at me.

"yeah, just nervous." i sighed as i slowly stood up and walked out of the car.

we walked into the office and were greeted by a happy louis.

"my favorite patient!" he smiled.

"mhm sure, the last time i was here i was practically ready to fight you." i chuckled.

"i could take you in a matter of seconds and i'm sure i'm not the one you really want to fight." louis smiled as he gave me a sly wink.

"what does that mean?" calum asked quickly.

"nothing!" i stuttered as i glared at louis.

"no, what does that mean?" calum repeated again.

"not for me to say." louis spoke with his hands up in defense.

calum gave me a dirty glare before we followed louis to his office.


"let's take your weight." he smiled gently as he motioned towards the scale.

i gently nodded.

i stood up on it and closed my eyes tightly.

louis cleared his throat and i quickly stepped off.

"can you tell me what it is?" i asked.

louis gave calum a tiny glance.

"please they took away the scales at the house." i pleaded.

"i don't know if it's a good idea for you to know baby." calum spoke softly.

"it's my body. tell me." i spoke slightly more firm.

"110." louis squeaked out.

110 lbs. fucking pig.

i sunk back in my chair and immediately felt guilty. i put in all of this hard work just to become fat and disgusting all over again.


"nope, we aren't going to slip back into that mindset." calum spoke as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"he's right you've made tremendous progress in the right direction. i think we can move her up to 1200 calories and then from there, anywhere she wants to go." louis spoke with a soft smile.

"i want to see her back in 6 weeks, but after that depending on how things are going. that's the extent of what i do. you're doing amazing." louis added.

i smiled at him softly before standing up.

"thank you."

"of course love. anything for my favorite mates and his sister." he laughed as he walked us out.

calum and i walked to the car and began to drive away in silence before he decided to speak up.

"so do you want to tell me what he was talking about?" he whispered.

"don't be the overprotective brother now." i spoke with an eye roll.

"liyah! please." calum pleaded as we pulled into the house.

"no! it's not your business." i spoke as i turned away from him.

we both got out and i rushed up to my room.

i began to pace around because i knew they wouldn't let me exercise. maybe they would now since i was at a healthy weight.

i quickly pulled on some leggings and a tank top and proceeded to sneak downstairs.

"where are you going?" michael asked as he stared at me.

"running. want to join?" i asked.

"hell no. the last time i ran it was because i was scared of a bee." michael spoke with an eye roll.

then the idea hit me. what if i worked out with all of them together.

i quickly grabbed michael's hand and pulled him onto the couch.

i then proceeded to run upstairs and grab each of the boys before i had all of them on the couch in front of me.

"so, i know you said no working out, but now that i'm at more of a healthy weight, i thought maybe i could start again. not unhealthy working out, but building muscle instead of gaining fat. maybe you guys could join me on a fitness journey?" i asked.

"liyah. the last time i ever worked out was never." ashton laughed as he stared at me.

"then this could be fun! please." i begged as i got
down on my knees.

"i'm in." calum shrugged.

"fine." luke spoke with an eye roll.

"only if ash goes." michael replied thinking that ashton wouldn't go no matter what.

"i'll go get my shoes." ashton replied leaving michael shocked.

"i'll be waiting outside." i laughed as i stood up and ran outside.

i hope this worked.

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