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ashton's pov

as soon as we were away from aaliyah, i turned around.

"do you know why she was sent here?" i asked.

"no? i just assumed she needed a break from my parents or vice versa." calum replied.

"she's here because your parents think she has anorexia mate. she told me, but she doesn't think she has it. she's so thin." i pointed out with a sigh.

"i did notice that. okay, should i have a conversation with her about it?" calum asked.

"rather have one now than later." i replied.

calum nodded before we headed back to find aaliyah.

aaliyah's pov

i stood there almost scared for what calum was going to say.

i saw them walking back and saw the firm look on my brother's face and immediately knew something was up.

"a word." calum spoke as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his office.

as soon as he entered the office he was already bombarding me with questions.

"none of your business." i replied firmly.

"aaliyah it sort of is. mom and dad sent you here for a very serious disorder you could die from this." calum spoke firmly.

"i don't have anorexia! for fucks sake." i yelled as i went to leave the office.

"you leave this room and i'll get more people involved than just me and the boys." calum spoke firmly.

i stopped in my tracks and glared at him.

"just because mom and dad think i need help for an illness i do not have, doesn't mean you're in charge of me." i spit out.

"i never said i was in charge of you, i'm just simply bringing something up that was brought to my attention." calum replied calmly.

"well, if you want to know the fucking details just call mom." i laughed as i opened the door and walked out.

who was he to say anything to me? he fucking left. i don't owe him shit.

calum's pov

i sighed as i sat down in my desk. no wonder mom and dad sent her here.

i pulled out my phone and called mom.

"calum? hey sweetheart! did aaliyah get there alright?" she asked.

"hey mom! yes she did. so, something was brought to my attention by ashton. does aaliyah have anorexia?" i asked.

"your father and i think so. she won't get evaluated by a shrink so we don't know for sure. that's why we sent her out to you, because maybe you could try." mom spoke softly.

"why do you think it's anorexia?" i asked.

"it started about a year and a half ago. she came home from school and everything was different. she began skipping meals and weighing herself constantly. she was exercising night and day and your father and i didn't catch on until it was too late. we tried to take the scale away and force her to eat, but it would just end up in screaming fits that we just can't deal with at our age." she sighed.

"you should have contacted me sooner. you know i would always help out with aaliyah. she's my baby sister." i spoke softly.

"i know baby, i just didn't want to make your life harder." mom whispered.

"you wouldn't be doing that. if what you're saying is really happening, she's on a very dangerous path to self destruction and needs to be helped." i spoke firmly.

"i know your mates are also doctors, could they help?" mom asked.

"of course. i've got to go though mom. i love you and will call back later." i spoke with a tiny smile.

"bye baby. love you too!" she spoke with a bit more hope in her voice.

this was going to be challenging.

i paged michael, luke, and ashton to my office.

"where's baby hood?" luke asked.

"off being angry somewhere." i sighed.

"oh no, what did you do?" michael asked.

"he didn't do anything, she's changed." ashton replied as he followed michael in.

"i just got off the phone with my mom. my parents sent her here for anorexia. from what she explained, it's definitely anorexia." i spoke slowly.

"it's true. she's very tiny. i felt like i would crush her if i hugged her too hard." ashton added.

"that's really serious. why'd your parents send her out here?" michael asked

"everytime they would try to take the scale away or force her to eat she would lash out at them and my mom told me she can't handle it anymore. she can't watch aaliyah destroy herself." i spoke softly.

"well, we'll all do our best to help, but if she really doesn't want it. there's not much we can do." luke spoke quietly.

"i don't know what to do. i've never had to help anyone with anorexia before." i mumbled.

"i have. it's a hard battle. it's really really hard. no one wants to recovery at first, so sometimes a little push in the right direction is what is needed." ashton added.

i nodded.

"i just didn't want her to come here and to shock all of you by her new attitude and appearance." i spoke.

"well, aaliyah is family. i'm willing to do anything to help her." luke spoke with a soft smile.

"same here." michael replied.

"all i'm going to say, don't be lenient, sometimes tough love works." ashton finished.

i was going to save my little sister, no matter what i had to do.

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