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aaliyah's pov

i was dancing to the music with one of the girls i was sitting with when a guy came up and tried to join the mix.

i was honestly to drunk to give a fuck about who i was dancing with.

he was all up on me and i was all up on him.

i glanced over at the entrance of the club and saw calum standing there staring at me.

i felt my blood become cold and i quickly moved deeper into the crowd of dancing bodies.

the music was so loud, i couldn't hear anyone.

all of a sudden i felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me towards them.

i looked up slowly and saw luke dragging me out.

"what the hell, stop." i slurred as i tried to break my hand away.

luke ignored my comment and dragged me out of the club.

one of the bouncers came up to assist when luke spoke up, "don't. she's 16. your club could be sued for letting a minor in."

the bouncer immediately backed up and walked away.

the others must still be in the club because when we arrived in the car, no one was there.

i slumped up against the car and sighed.

"why did you come?" i slurred.

luke ignored me and kept looking straight ahead.

he was pissed.

i began shrugged my shoulders and began to walk away when he caught my wrist and spoke in a gravely low voice, "aaliyah i swear to god. don't move."

"i wanted a ciggy mate." i grumbled as i stumbled over my own feet.

soon enough i saw michael and ashton show up looking horrible.

"what the hell happened to you?" i muttered out as i dug in my pockets searching for a light and ciggy. i know one of the girls slipped me one.

"hands. too many hands. fucking touching me. that's why i don't go to clubs." michael spoke with an eye roll.

"agreed. super uncomfortable." ashton spoke awkwardly.

"i fucking live for it. counting calories is exhausting. being skinny is exhausting. i needed a break. i used to do this in aussie with my bee." i slurred out as i sat down on the floor still searching for the cigarette.

"no wonder you're parents couldn't handle you." luke spoke firmly.

"fuck off." i mumbled as i pulled out a cigarette and light.

i went to light it when i heard a loud angry voice.

"aaliyah hood, you better not light that shit." calum yelled as he walked up.

"mate, did someone barf on you?" michael spoke trying to conceal his laughter.

i looked more closely at my brother and saw puke all down the front of his shirt.

"well yeah, i was trying to get to miss. trouble over there and someone puked on me." he spoke slightly disgusted.

i shrugged my shoulders and began to stumble away.

"aaliyah please. just let me take you home and let's talk tomorrow?" calum pleaded looking exhausted.

luke was ready to lose his shit on me. i didn't like when he was mad at me.

ashton and michael looked like they were annoyed, but it wasn't there business to shit on me.

i slowly nodded and followed them back to the car.

we drove back to the house and as soon as we arrived calum picked me up and brought me to my room.

"shower." i mumbled as i got down from his arms and into the restroom.

i quickly showered to the best of my ability and went back to lay down and sleep.

i woke up a couple hours later and felt like puking.

i quickly stumbled over to my bathroom toilet and started puking.

all of the alcohol i drank was coming out of my system.

i felt someone grab my hair from behind and rub my back as i puked my guts out.

i leaned on my arm with my head over the toilet and mumbled, "remind me never to do that again."

"gladly." ashton whispered as he flushed the toilet.

"go brush your teeth and i'll place a aspirin on the bed counter for tomorrow." ashton spoke softly before leaving the room.

i quickly brushed my teeth and went back to sleep.

i woke up the next morning with a raging headache and immediately started complaining.

i grabbed the aspirin next to my bed and downed them with water.

i slowly stood up and looked at myself in the mirror and saw how puffy the alcohol made my face.

i was disgusting.

i headed downstairs slowly and saw calum and ashton sitting waiting for me.

"i'm not ready for this." i mumbled as i began to walk back upstairs.

"this is a talk you will never escape. now sit."

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