"What you do…?! You think you spare people of their pain…?!"

"Yeah! When I kill them, their suffering is over. Usually, people come to me mourning the death of a loved one, so I just reunite them. Plain and simple. I don't think I'm doing anything bad, I'm just relieving my followers of their pain."

Shinobu drew her blade before pointing it at the Upper Moon and exclaiming, "I've heard ENOUGH from you, you psychotic son of a bitch! I'll make you pay for killing my sister!" The Hashira leapt towards the demon, aiming for a piercing attack with her blade.






"Haha! I'm doing it, I'm doing it!" Tanjiro had his arms extended to help balance himself as he took several steps forward. He had a huge smile on his face as he stepped forward with Nezuko cheering on the side. The Slayer stood in front of Tanjiro with his arms crossed, the boy's current challenge was to walk from one side of the room to the other and back. Tanjiro was only a couple more steps away from the Hellwalker as he cheered to himself, "I'm almost there…! I'm almost there!" Unfortunately, Tanjiro got too excited with his success as he lost balance and fell on the floor. Nezuko rushed over to help her brother get up but the Slayer cleared his throat loudly to signal for the girl to stay away. Tanjiro optimistically stated as he picked himself up, "At this rate, I'll be able to move around in no time!"

The Slayer nodded in agreement before turning around and explaining, "Keep it up, kid. I'll be working on my beacon if you need me." The Slayer exited the room and began moving down the hallways of the Butterfly Mansion until he came across Kanao who was constantly calling out Shinobu's name as she looked into every room. Her eyebrows were curled upwards and her body language was closed up and nervous. She took notice of the Hellwalker and asked:

"Excuse me, sir, have you seen my sister anywhere?" The Slayer shook his head as he walked past her, uninterested in her problems as he went to his room to focus on his device.

Kanao was about to enter the infirmary room and ask Tanjiro but remembered the conversation she had with Nezuko yesterday and stopped herself from opening the door. She shook her head as she turned around and went to meet up with the other residents of the mansion. Kanao found them all preparing the next meal as they all greeted her upon entering the kitchen. Aoi noticed Kanao's expression and called out, "What's with the long face, Kanao?"

"Have you seen Shinobu around here, recently?" Aoi shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, seemingly not as concerned as Kanao was as she explained:

"No, she's probably on a mission or maybe some emergency meeting for the Hashira, I don't know. I'm sure she's fine though." Kanao couldn't accept that answer, none of this seemed right to her. Her sister wouldn't just leave out of nowhere without informing someone of her whereabouts.

They heard the rapid flapping of a Kasugai Crow approaching the mansion which prompted the girls to exit the kitchen briefly to intercept the crow. On queue, the bird swooped down low and perched itself on Kanao's arm as it announced to the girls of the Butterfly Mansion, "The Insect Hashira, Shinobu Kocho, has been killed! I repeat, Shinobu Kocho has been killed!" The other girls tried begging the bird for more information but it left without a second thought and proceeded to spread the news to the other members of the Demon Slayer Corps.

This sudden revelation made the younger residents of the mansion break down crying while Aoi tried her best to maintain her composure as she was trying to get to the bottom of this but having the younger kids break down, crying, nearly compelled her to do the same. Kanao, however, stared off blankly as she felt her eyes get warm from the buildup of tears. The girl turned around and mumbled to Aoi, "I… I need a minute…" Kanao stepped back into the building without saying a word, leaving Aoi in distress as she had to manage the other girls who were crying their eyes out.

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