Extra 3: End Of The World

Start from the beginning

Osmanthus fragrans is the daughter-in-law of this old grandmother's family, and also the mother of the boy named Liujin.

"Hey, good." The man responded hastily.

Before Cheng Zhou could react, he was pulled into the back seat of the bicycle by the simple and honest man with a Chinese face. Before he could sit still, the bicycle began to drive rapidly.

Cheng Zhou, who was sitting sideways on the back seat of the bicycle, was suddenly so frightened that he grasped the base of the back seat with both hands, and watched the surrounding scenery retreat rapidly.

"Little comrade, sit still." The anxious voice of a simple and honest man floated from the front.

Cheng Zhou nodded quickly: "I know."

The bicycle was fast, and soon arrived at the hospital in Chang'an City.

Cheng Zhou was not familiar with the hospital here, but fortunately, the people next to him were more anxious than him, so he ran straight to the operating room on the second floor as soon as he ran to the front desk to ask.

On the second floor, the PLA comrade in the green uniform was sitting on a stool in the corridor. When he saw Cheng Zhou approaching, he took the initiative to say, "Little comrade, you are here. The pregnant woman is being rescued inside."

The anxious man with Chinese characters asked: "How is it? What's the situation now?" His wife has been pregnant for more than seven months and has always been fine. Why did something happen suddenly?

"I don't know either." The PLA comrade shook his head.

Listening to the turmoil in the operating room, the three of them hastily introduced themselves and exchanged names, waiting anxiously together.

The simple and honest man with a square face is Sister Song's husband Qian Dayong. He and his wife have been childhood sweethearts since childhood and have a very good relationship.

Comrade Qin Zhenguo from the People's Liberation Army happened to be passing by an alley on his way home from a visit this time, and he happened to be caught by Cheng Zhou.

Cheng Zhou took this opportunity to explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and focused on reminding Qian Dayong to remember to report the case to the Public Security Bureau.

The thin man carrying Sister Song's cloth bag must have something to do with what caused Sister Song to faint.

It's a pity that his mental power mark can only work within a radius of two kilometers at most. Outside this range, he can't perceive the existence of that bad guy.

Qian Dayong heard the ins and outs, and cursed angrily, regretting that he let his wife go home alone today, he should put aside the affairs in the department store and send his wife home first.

Just then, a nurse came out of the operating room.

Qian Dayong went over immediately and asked, "Comrade nurse, is my wife okay?"

The old men's simple and honest Chinese characters were full of worry, and there were tears in their eyelids, and they asked anxiously while wiping away the tears.

Hearing Comrade Cheng Zhou explain the ins and outs, he knew that his daughter-in-law's belly probably couldn't be kept. Now he doesn't have much extravagance, he just asks his wife not to have any accidents, but absolutely no accidents.

"Mother and child are safe, thanks to the timely delivery, if you come a little later, I'm afraid you will really kill two people." The nurse's tone was very indignant, as if she was blaming the family for sending the pregnant woman so late.

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