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  "Little brat, what are you running for? Tell me again." Ge Cuihua took a deep breath.

  Cheng Zhou was not at all cowardly. He deliberately stood far away when he spoke, for fear of being hit by Aunt Ge's fan-like hand, which was really painful.

  "Auntie, listen to me, look at my thin arms and thin legs, I can't even lift a bucket of water, I can't farm, I can't do anything in the village, and I definitely won't earn work points. , you can't always eat and drink for free, right?"

  Ge Cuihua paused and roared angrily: "If you don't know it, go to school. Whoever is born will work. From tomorrow onwards, you are not allowed to sleep late. I will wake you up in person, and you will go down to the ground with me."

  Cheng Zhou had a bitter face, a hundred people were unwilling to farm, tired, sunburned and hard, he just wanted to take shortcuts and be lazy and live a comfortable little life.

  "Auntie, no matter how good I study, I can't do much work. The work points I earn are definitely not enough to eat."

  Ge Cuihua put on her hips and said domineeringly, "It's not like my aunt can't support you."

  "Yes, yes, my aunt is very capable, so it's easy to raise me." Cheng Zhou strikes while the iron is hot, and praises as if he doesn't want money.

  "But I'm not a child anymore, so I can't have nothing to do all the time, right? I'm going to live in the county just to find a job there so that I can live on wages in the future, and it's easy and not tiring."

  "And it's not that I won't come back. If I have nothing to do with the holidays, I will definitely come back and stay for two days." Cheng Zhou emphasized the last sentence.

  Hearing this, Ge Cuihua questioned: "Are you sure you can find a job with an iron job? People in the city are not fools. If there is a job position, who wouldn't rush to it?"

  Cheng Zhou wasn't sure, but he didn't want Da Suntian to carry a hoe to farm the fields, so he dared to say loudly, "Auntie, don't worry, according to my ability, I will definitely be able to find a job."

  Then I went back to the original topic again, "But it's not like you can find a job by looking for it. At least I have to rent a small house in the county and stay there for a while to get familiar with the environment..."

  Against Aunt Ge's gloomy face, Cheng Zhou's heart kept beating, and his voice became lower and lower.

  No wonder Aunt Ge was so angry, he had only settled down in the village for less than two days, patted his butt and said to leave, making up his mind to go to the city to find a job and live.

  There is a saying in the village that the bride gets married and the matchmaker throws it across the river. His practice is typical of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge!

  But Cheng Zhou can't do anything about it. He has always had a lazy and enjoyable temperament. In the past, he used to do part-time jobs that were easy, not tiring, and had high wages.

  Let him go to the ground under the scorching sun, he absolutely can't stand it.

  "Are you determined to live in the city?"

  "Auntie, I have to move out sooner or later."

  Ge Cuihua pondered for a moment, then retreated a step with a cold face: "The houses in the county town are not so easy to rent, you can find the house first."

  "Hey, okay, I'll go to the county town tomorrow to ask friends." Cheng Zhou replied happily.

  Ge Cuihua didn't speak any more, with a sullen face, she walked into the kitchen with the basket on her back.

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