Get a Clue

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"I just can't believe you never told me." said Courtney referring about Justin. "I could've helped you."

"I know, but it's just... you don't understand." I didn't know how to explain it. "What it was like. I've never felt so vulnerable in my life. What he did... I'll never be the same again."

"Talk to me. Tell me what happened." said Courtney with concern. "You know I'm always here for you. No matter what."

"He... he did things to me." I spoke quietly, just barely above a whisper while staring at nothing in particular. "He broke me in so many ways no mission of mine ever has before. Not even punching out my feelings help. What he's done... I'll never forgive him. I don't think I can."

Her hand clasped around mine, the one that wasn't broken and destroyed because of what Justin had done. That part of me was gone. Chef took it to get fixed, but there's no telling how long that'll take.

"He ruined the bracelet you gave me..." I say with a sigh, showing her the bent charms that were once dangling on the silver chain that was now broken in pieces. "I'm sorry..."

"That's okay, it doesn't matter." she said squeezing my hand tightly. "What does matter is that you're okay. Are you?"

There was nothing I could say to assure her. Because in truth, I wasn't. However, I didn't want Courtney to worry. And she shouldn't, Justin is gone and will never have to be dealt with again.

"Yeah, I will be." I say with a deep sigh.

Her arms wrap around my shoulders in a tight hug, nearly catching me off guard with her squeezing embrace. It gave me some comfort, yet my heart still felt uneasy.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you..." said Courtney hating this as much as I was. "If you ever need anything, anything at all, I'm here for you, Sydney. You can even use my comfy bed to sleep on if you want to. And I'll share all my food with you too. Whatever you need."

I didn't know what to say. She's such a good friend to me. She didn't have to do any of those things. Her presence was more than enough. My lips muttered into her hair as she held me, softly whispering, "Thank you."

"Want to go get some breakfast together?" she asked as she slowly pulled away. My head nodded in agreement, getting up with her to leave the trailer.

"Breakfast taco? Is that all Chef knows how to make now?" asked Harold. "Mexican themed breakfast foods?"

"Wouldn't be surprised." I say with a sigh.

"Ew! Was that an egg shell?" asked Lindsay as she reeled back in disgust.

"Chef is the only cook who makes eggs like peanut butter." said Harold as he took a bite. "Smooth or crunchy style." He took another bite before spitting it out to be a hard drive.

"Maybe Chef ran out of stuff to put in the egg." retorted Duncan. "All he's got left is computer hardware."

"Or, maybe it's just a way to tell us what the challenge for today is." I answer logically.

"What if there's something on it?" Lindsay questioned. "Something all challengey!"

"Like I just said." I said side eyeing her.

"Only one way to find out." shrugged Beth. "Stick it in Courtney's PDA."

"My PDA isn't going anywhere near that thing." Courtney sneered.

"C'mon, Courtney. Even if it's for a challenge?" I ask staring at her. She softens before giving in. She hands me her device sticking it out for Harold to put the hardware into the port.

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