Full Metal Drama

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The washrooms were occupied that early morning when I had finished my run. Owen was trying to do his business, but didn't release his goods. Thankfully so, or the bathroom would've really stunk up the place. I was just trying to finish putting the products in my hair so I'd be ready for todays challenges.

However, my quiet morning was cut short by a few of the competitors running in the bathroom to use the stalls to make a quick deposit.

"Only one toilet is working today?" asked Beth after entering the washrooms. Beth followed the Gaffers inside the bathroom who all seemed to need to go simultaneously. They were just beaten by LeShawna.

I wonder if they'll figure it out.

"This crazy bargain basement show doesn't even have a plunger?" sneered Heather.

"That's why I wake up early." I mention with a thankful sigh. "Easier to avoid everyone."

"Huh, guess I should consider that." she snickered thoughtfully. "Ooh that smells like marshmallows and vanilla. I like that."

I smiled in the mirror where her eyes met mine in the reflection thanking her while she returned the smile. Is she a friend of mine now?

We're far more close than acquaintances, but I wouldn't say that there's a friendship involved. However, she was closest to me than she's ever been with Lindsay. And I think there might be a slight fondness.

She doesn't seem to mind my presence, or isn't bothered when I am around. She's less annoyed of me than the other girls. But then again, she has seen me in a severe traumatic state. So there must be some kind of trauma bond or some sort of connection between us.

Either way, she was a lot nicer to me, or well, we're a lot nicer to each other this season. She's honestly a bit likable in some areas. Could a friendship be happening between us? I wouldn't oppose. It just may be a little odd is all.

"And I had to be crazy myself to give up this primo spot. Crazy with niceness! Duncan, honey, you take it." insisted LeShawna since he was next in line.

"Tst. Nice try, but you lied to us. And I never mess with liars." Duncan retorts as he got all up in her face. He was really holding a grudge against her.

"Ugh. Or with mouthwash." she remarks as she held her nose to hold her breath. "I got one word for you, stank breath: Wintermint. Harold, baby. Would you like my spot?"

"Hecks yeah." said Harold walking to the stall.

Duncan snickers, saying with a scoff, "Figures. Taking a bribe."

"I don't do bribes." denied Harold.

"Then what's with letting LeShawna suck up to you? As far as I'm concerned, she's off the team." said Duncan.

"Except that the team needs her." stated Harold. I think he was the one needing her. "Thank you for giving me your spot, LeShawna, my valued, if somewhat untrustworthy, teammate." Harold screams after opening the stall door before I could tell him. "Owen! What are you doing?"

"It's not about what I'm doing, it's about what I'm not doing." said Owen through clenched teeth.

"He's been in there awhile." I mention, drawing out a long airy sigh.

"Pipes a little backed up?" asked Harold.

Owen, through wired clenched teeth, said, "Who knew a diet of blended corn beef and cheese puff shakes could stop my whole system?"

"Um everyone?" I mention knowingly. "Chef warned you and you didn't listen."

He strained to push as we only heard the bubbles, but there wasn't a pop. Poor guy is really going through it. He should've taken his laxatives but he keeps resisting. It's been days now. One of these days, he's going to blow.

Total Drama ActionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora