Top Dog

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Duncan was in our trailer the whole night leaving Owen all alone in the guys trailer. He was probably snacking and farting the place up. Owen is honestly so disgusting. I don't understand how anyone can like him.

I could hardly sleep as I tossed and turned because Courtney was having a very loud, disruptive conversation with him that kept Beth and me awake. I think Beth was more interested in Courtney's little book of lists than Duncan was. Duncan was nodding off while she was going over the paper work and contracts with him about their relationship.

At some point in time I had given up on sleep and joined them as they discussed, well Courtney discussed, about Duncan's terrible icks and how much he needed to work on himself to fix their relationship problems if he wanted to work things out with her. Which it really meant for him to change his entire personality. It was a lot.

I just can't believe Courtney actually considered taking him back. He's a total douchebag. Or as they would say in French, connard.

"This sounds like it's way more trouble than it's worth." I pipe up with a yawn. "Are you certain he'll be able to keep up with it all?"

"He'll have to if he wants this to work." stated Courtney not bothered by the lack of sleep. Duncan was trying to stay awake, but he fell over onto the table, dozing away. He was out.

"Listen," I tried to advise. "You can't change a man unless he wants to, and it's less likely when it comes from someone like Duncan. You know how he is. He's predictable and you can see through it. Is he worth all that trouble?"

"You should go back to bed. I don't need advice from a reprobate like yourself." Courtney scoffed as she stacked the papers neatly on the table putting them together. I was hoping her aggression was from the lack of sleep.

"I know you're sleep deprived, and it's fine that you're taking it out on me, I get it." I calmly state before taking her hand to grab the pen out of her fingers. "But you've been up a really long time and could use some sleep before the challenge in a few hours. So why don't we try to go to bed for awhile? Your lawyers will still be there waiting at your hand and foot in the morning."

"That's true..." she said before letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I shouldn't have said that. You're right. I am tired. It was a lot on my plate that had to be done. And Duncan is no help either. He can't stay awake to finish another paragraph... do you really think I'm wasting my time with him?"

My shoulders helplessly shrug before setting her papers carefully aside. There was no gentle way to tell her the truth.

"I'm not going to tell you how you should feel." I say with all honesty. "That's for you to decide. However, my guidance is here if you choose to heed my warning. I... I don't trust him. He's not a good person. He never knows when to stop flirting or hurting someone. I just don't want you to get hurt, Courtney. I'll kill him if he does."

"Hey, if you don't kill him before I do." remarked Courtney with a subtle smile. She was joking, but I could tell that she still listened to what I had to say. "Fine. I'll go to bed. But only if you watch an episode of Law and Order: SVU with me."

"There's no need for begging, Court." I smile.

Crawling into the bed with her, she pulls her PDA out to play one of her downloaded episodes from her device. I curl the blanket around us as our bodies helplessly touch. We sink into her mattress as she plays the show.

It wasn't long before the end of the episode when Courtney's head slung over my arm, fallen fast asleep. Pausing the video and shutting off the device for her to save her battery, I carefully place it over the other side of her mattress, setting it down on the nightstand.

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