Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reuinion Show

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(May contain ✨spicy ✨scenes toward the end)

Celebrity Manhunt's drama show tried to look into my personal life which I was not well pleased with. My private life was, well, private. No one knew much about me so they don't know where I live. With me only going out into public places or seeing my friends from the Total Drama show.

Turns out I didn't live so far from a few of them. Trent, Courtney, and Lindsay actually lived closer around my area. Trent was about an hour away from me toward west and Lindsay was a little less going toward south. Courtney lived the farthest, which was two and a half hours away. I wanted Heather to come, but the others heavily disagreed on the matter.

They wanted nothing to do with her. I couldn't entirely blame them, but then again, I've grown fond of Heather's presence. I liked her. The others, however, couldn't be said.

My driver would pick them up and take us to a place where we could hang out. My Baba allowed them to all ride in the private jet where we could take it anywhere. They all were thrilled and amazed, taking in the luxury of the fine leather seats and an all you can eat breakfast twenty-four seven hour bar.

Lindsay was particular to the blueberry waffles and strawberry syrup. She wouldn't stop saying how delicious they were. Trent, however, would only stop to eat after being pulled away from the window as he wouldn't stop gazing down at the green earth, fascinated by how high up we were. He was so adorable. So was Courtney as she was angrily texting Duncan awful things while eating a raspberry and granola parfait.

We just had to hang out in public. That's where the cameras did find us. They caught us in our usual spot in New York City. They zoomed in on our faces while we would talk and catch up on each others lives.

Learning that Beth was caught with her pants down from Lindsay trying to catch her off a ledge of a building wasn't the worst that happened to them when they flew to Paris. They were both imprisoned because Beth knocked over the portrait and Lindsay tried to "fix" it only to scratch the paint of the ancient Mona Lisa.

Beth had use all her winnings and her parents selling their cars for them to get out of prison. Honestly they should've called me. I could've maybe lightened their bail with some of my money. Her parents shouldn't have had to sell both of their cars.

Trent explained that he was in a band with Harold and Cody. Justin tried to join the band but he wouldn't let him for obvious reasons. He played a few of their songs and their number one hit When I Cry which was peculiar. They didn't sound bad. Honestly, him and Cody sounded the best. Harold did pretty well with his exceptional beat-boxing.

They turned out to do pretty well. They went to a few stadiums. They could've gotten pretty big with their fan base. Yet, it shot straight to the guys heads and forced them to go separate ways, wanting to go solo. If anyone could, Cody and Trent should.

Courtney showed me where she had gotten her tattoo with Duncan. He's such a thug. She needs to grow a heart. At least she got hers removed. I'm sure Gwen became a little tempted when Duncan turned single again. She always had it down bad for him.

Apparently the TV show discovered what I've been up to for a while. They claimed me to be an endangerment to society, saying that I was too dangerous and apparently sensitive toward people emotionally. They weren't completely wrong. I've been known to punch out my feelings, that's been evident. That doesn't mean that people can't change for the better. Maybe just not in the way most think.

My new bionic hand serves me justice especially with having it for awhile now. It made me better at what I love to do. It aspired me to get stronger, and become better, and enjoy every moment and circumstance whatever life decides to throw at me.

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