Million Dollar Babies

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I was already thankfully awake in the early morning, the darkness still settling before the sun was to rise. I was just not well rested after a morning run around the set. It would've been glorious had not my brain returned to those horrible thoughts again.

There was never a dull, boring morning. My life was far from boring. However, it would be nice to have a moment. Just a brief, small moment of peace. Maybe a little hint of joy. Just a little something good to keep me going without these depressive thoughts that would leave me dissociating for most of the day.

My bare feet dug into the grass, the tall grass twiddling between my toes feeling the earth under my feet. It felt good to relax early in the sunrise before everyone else was awake.

It was the few silent moments in the earliness knowing that I was safe. Not even Justin could take that away from me. It's the best time to be awake, and the best time to get away from everyone else. Avoiding people was my specialty. It was the best time where I felt safest.

With how early it was, there was still time to make a quick run off the set and into town. The coffee cake has been put on my mind since I've last had it. It was really yummy.

By the time I made it, it was nearly five o'clock. It was a different person this time than the last when I visited. It was an older bald man, only having facial hair with a thick wiry beard with little bits of gray and blond poking out from the vibrant reds and browns.

I ate my breakfast quietly, sipping on a nice hot cup of tea that Chef could never prepare to perfection. Because these were so scrumptious and warm, running down my tongue and soothing my throat with its sweet nodes of chamomile and ginger. It was like heaven in a cup. It was perfect.

The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon. Sooner or later the challenges would begin after everyone would be awake. Either on their own terms or by one of Chris' schemes. That was always a mystery unsolved, leaving us wondering when another surprise awakening would happen again.

It was best to head back. At least this time I was alone walking to the set knowing I was okay. There was no Justin to bother me or make me feel uncomfortable. For once, I felt normal. It was nice, quiet and serene.

The only thing heard was the birds chirping and singing their tunes while the ground shuffled under my feet. This may be a decent day. It was definitely one of the better ones. It was nice.

When I got back, Beth was walking out in her nightgown twirling Courtney's PDA in her hand while apparently sleep walking. What the heck? Courtney walked up to her.

"Hey that's my PDA!" shouted Courtney chasing after it was tossed into the air to catch it from crashing into the grass where it would have softly landed.

"Huh? I'm so sorry!" Beth gasps waking herself up. The males side of the trailer opens up as all the guys step outside. "I must've started sleep twirling again!"

"Did she say sleep twirling?" asked LeShawna stepping out in her lingerie.

"That PDA is my legal right in this game." Courtney went off. "Touch it again, Beth, and prepare to be served!"

"Like a lawsuit?" I asked confused.

"No, she's getting served ice cream." retorted Courtney with a scoff, her eyes rolling.

"Well, if you're taking orders, I'll take mint or strawberry." I conclude with a smile thinking it would be nice for a sweet frozen treat.

Courtney only groaned, before saying a bit irritated, "Of course like a lawsuit!"

She jumped nearly out of her skin to turn to see me so close to her person, slightly red in the face from the alarm. Guess she didn't expect for me to be right there.

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