Masters of Disasters

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"Ugh!" Harold coughs before spitting out his breakfast. "I really miss DJ's cooking. It was as awesome as this is completely grossitating."

"Apple?" I offer with a gesture of one of my apple slices that I handed to him.

Chef handed me a tray of apple slices along with the mysterious oatmeal breakfast. I didn't like offering to people as much, but Harold means well to me in my book.

"Thanks, Sydney." Harold grinned before accepting the slice gratefully and eating it. "Your thoughtfulness is always appreciated."

"I wish my boyfriend was here. He's such a great cook!" mentioned Beth. I scoffed. There's no way. Why would a taken girl keep silent until now after flirting with Justin all this time?

"Boyfriend? I don't remember any talk of a boyfriend." said Heather.

"Yeah, you never mentioned him before." I chime in, not having an inch of confidence in this girls words. "Sure you're not making it up for attention to make Justin jealous?"

"No! I have a boyfriend." Beth claimed defensively. "I love my boyfriend. What? Didn't I mention my boyfriend before?"

"Not once." I remarked with a shake of my head, unable to believe her. My eyes met Heather's, our face saying the same thing knowing we were both thinking it.

"You sure do like that word, "boyfriend". When did you two meet?" asked LeShawna curiously.

"We met between TV seasons."

"Wasn't that only like, two days?" disclosed Lindsay making me softly chuckle. Like seriously, how did she manage to score a boyfriend in less than two days? She had to have done something.

"Mm-hmm." Beth nodded before continuing. "We met at the orthodontist. He was getting his braces off at the same time as me. At first, I wasn't into him. But after the braces came off, look out! Such a cutie."

Lindsay, Justin, and Owen snicker in disbelief as she showed us a photo of him. He was just an average white male with dark hair. There wasn't anything special. It still begs to question how she managed to bag him.

"So, you have a boyfriend, huh? Prove it." said Heather to encourage her as she was not buying it for a second.

"Sure! I can tell you everything about him." said Beth beginning to describe him by reading the back of the photo. "He's six feet tall, has light brown hair, blue eyes, size ten shoe. Thirty-two pant with a thirty-four inch inseam."

"Wait a second." interrupted Justin before taking the card. "Those stats are all written on the back of his picture. I know a comp card when I see one, because I'm a... professional male model."

"Yeah, well... maybe he's a model too." alleged Beth. "Ever thought of that?"

"No. No one ever thought of that." Duncan remarked with a snort while he was sliding his breakfast into Harold's bowl.

"I don't think anyone wants to." I add.

"You've been chasing after a boyfriend all this time, with a honey back home?" asked LeShawna with a growing glare.

"Sure, my boyfriend's a model, but he's still just a guy." said Beth notoriously. Just a guy? Sounds like a player in the works. "Justin is a super-model! I can't help myself! Now that my braces are off, it's a whole new dating world." She snapped her fingers flirtatiously toward Justin as she eyeballed him creepily.

"In a very small pond." I snickered making Duncan laugh. LeShawna nudged me hard in the rib. "What?"

"Bendy straws! These are just like the ones they had at the hospital where I had my kidneys switched." said Harold.

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