Over the Cuckoos

220 10 4

Authors Note:
(WARNING ‼️: this episode contains mature themes not suitable for younger viewers, or those triggered by certain themes containing: sexual assault)

There will be a warning forewarning before said events so you can either skip, read ahead, and ignore the scenes. Thank you for your support.


The other team returned after the elimination ceremony. Heather was smiling as she walked, happy as could be. I've never seen her grin like that before. She was ecstatic. Gwen was gone.

"Ha, everything is so much smaller than I remember!" said Izzy as she examined every little thing.

"I still can't believe Gwen made a side deal with the other team. Didn't know she had it in her." said Duncan as if he was slightly impressed. Of course he would be.

"I remember that bush! I remember that tree! I— oof! Heh. Oh, I remember that rock! Heh, hey rock!" Izzy jumped about exploring each and every thing.

"Well, I can't believe they let Izzy back." commented Heather. "They totally negated our numbers advantage. And that's the only advantage we had."

"Don't be starting something, girl." warned LeShawna.

"Oh don't worry, it's not like it's much anyway." I waved off ceasing their fight.

Lindsay yawned heading to bed. "Well, goodnight, everybody!" She slammed her face into the door as she pulled. It didn't open. "Oh!"

"Hey, who locked the door?" Duncan growls as he tried to pull at the guys trailer.

"Again?" I groaned.

"Wait, wait, let me try it." Izzy said before slamming herself into the door. Sirens were heard going off in the distance causing us to be alert. Izzy gasped, shouting, "Cops!" before somersaulting away.

A covered gurney rolled out of an ambulance before driving away leaving it behind.

"Ew, what is that?" asked Heather before gasping. "A dead body?"

"Or an undead body." mentioned Duncan.

"Boo!" shouts Chris from under the sheet who was laying on a pile of books. Harold screams jumping into LeShawna's arms knocking the breath out of her. "Calm yourselves. No one's dead, yet. I'm here to prep you plucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet. These textbooks hold the sum total of eight years of med school. And each one of you gets one because tomorrow, we're gonna play doctor!"

Justin picked up a text book flipping it open. Peering over his shoulder to see, I didn't see anything spectacular. I already knew my way around with medical terms. Surely, not everything, as there is always room for more knowledge, but I knew plenty. Definitely way more than any of these idiots anyway.

However, Chris didn't seem to have the budget for medical grade textbooks. Especially with so many. These had to be at least outdated or underfunded. Something was definitely odd about them, but I didn't bother to investigate.

"To win this challenge, you're gonna wanna memorize the entire contents of these textbooks. By morning." Chris announced earning groans of annoyance. Yeah, that's definitely not happening.

"But it's already so late!" complained Heather.

"You got that right. What med school all-nighter would be complete without pizza?" asked Chris.

Chef pulls up in a golf cart with a dozen fresh boxes bringing them out to put in Owen's arms. As if that wasn't a bad idea.

Owen sniffed the steaming food. "Mm! That smells gooood!"

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