One Million Bucks BC

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LeShawna was looking for something she lost around the camper. She wouldn't stop as she bumped her butt into my bunk near my face while I was trying to listen to music in peace.

"Feel free to grab a shovel and have some drinks with that dump truck into a compost." I snapped becoming irritated with it so close I could smell her.

Seems like she's still gassy from the challenge a few days ago. It was still all her fault. She never should've drank something that wasn't meant for her. She paid the price. A painful, stinky price. 

"Oh, that's dark." remarked Heather admiring my insulting comment.

"Not as dark as my secrets." I retort before putting my earbud back in.

"What about poor Owen, or that boy I like, Tyson?" Lindsay continued from her earlier conversation whilst brushing her hair. Heather was putting on mascara in front of the sink.

"Tyler!" corrected Beth and Heather.

"Girls' all lawyered up," pronounced LeShawna walking toward the mirror to view her reflection. "I oughta try it. Get me the big bucks for being locked up in that safe all day."

"You stole my spa day!" shouted Heather.

"She stole everyone's spa day." I sigh with a roll of my eyes, not like it was making much of a difference. Not like it helped either, I'm not on their team.

"Do the crime, do the time." sneered Heather, her arms crossed and eyes glaring deeply at LeShawna with the most vengeance.

"Wasn't your spa day," retorted LeShawna, "besides, I could've starved in there, people!"

"Wasn't there, so I can't really say anything." I admit truthfully. To be honest, Lindsay, Beth and I can't say anything as we couldn't do anything about it. After all, we are on different teams. That would be cheating if one of us helped. That's what happened to Trent and Gwen's elimination. Besides, Owen was enough trouble as it was.

"'Starved to death'?" Heather scoffs rolling her eyes. "I seriously doubt that."

"And what is it you planned on doing at the spa with that wash n' go hair?" asked LeShawna. Lindsay and I both hold back from laughing.

"Oh no, I got my hair in a knot." Lindsay struggles with her hair brush. "Beth, could you?"

"Here," says Heather taking the hair brush to assist. "Let me."

She pulled hard causing her head to yank. "Ow! Heather! I think you pulled my eyes into the back of my head."

"Not a bad idea, with Courtney on your team you better watch your back." LeShawna warns.

"Quoi? She's not going to do anything." I waved off, not at all worried. "What're you even talking about? She's cool."

"She's so bossy." Beth blatantly disagrees as they all start going off listing things they didn't like about Courtney. Which I didn't get. I think she's great. They're all just jealous because she lawed her way back into the game.

"And it's not like we needed another know it all on the show." added Lindsay.

"Oh, really?" asks Heather as she gave a hard pull on the brush.

"Ow! I was talking about me!" said Lindsay. "Now that bossy McSmarty pants is back, no one's ever going to listen to me ever again."

"Sorry, did you say something, honey?" asked LeShawna.

Heather kept working on Lindsay's knot while I refreshed my curls with some water from the sink. It was looking a little dry and frizzy. Heather finally yanked out the hairbrush as Lindsay was shouting in pain. I scrunched the water through my strands to lock in any hydration and hopefully keep it from frizzing too much.

Total Drama ActionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora