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This is the longest chapter so far.

TW// violence

Persephone's pov

''Anyway, we have to meet soon and spend some more time together. I missed you so much.'' Riley pulls up under my apartment building.

''Yes, of course.'' I turn to face her and smile at her. 

''See you soon then. I'll call you or you call me when you're free. I'm almost always free.'' She flips her hair and I give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

''Thank you.''

''No need to thank me. I'll always drive your ass around, especially now.'' She presses the steering wheel, honking. I flinch at the sound. ''Since I got a new car.''

''Are you crazy?! It's the middle of the night.'' I roll my eyes at her. She's not the one living here. The neighbors will eat me alive after that, especially those old ladies.

''Of course, grandma. Get your old ass out of here. I have to go home to my girlfriend.'' She gives me a look and I step out of the car. ''Bye!'' She waves at me and I wave at her.

''Bye.'' I watch as the car drives off and take a deep breath. 

If she woke Jack and I'll have to face his mood swings I'll take all her tips from work, I swear.

I walk slowly, looking for my keys in the bag, but I can't find them at the moment. It's always like that. I stop in front of the door and smile to myself when I notice that it's open. I don't think about it for too long. Fate is on my side, finally

I walk up the stairs, taking my time and sweating my ass off. 

I don't think about the keys, knowing that Jack was supposed to stay at my place tonight and he always leaves the door open. I told him million times that it's not safe and he's a heavy sleeper, but he disagrees. It'll be on him, but I have the most important stuff always in my bag, with me. 

At least, hopefully, he did all the things I told him to do so I'll have a free day tomorrow and I'll have a chance to relax for a little bit, or maybe I'll call Riley and we'll go out for a drink or two. That sounds nice, I'd like that. 

I finally make it to my floor and stop in front of my door. Over ten hours ago someone braver walked through this door and I smile, feeling proud. This was a huge step for me and I hope things are only going to get better now. Now Jack knows that whatever he does comes with consequences. He wouldn't do a single thing, knowing that Riley knows.

Riley and Harry.


I'm still surprised and I can't believe it. It sounds crazy to me. As much as I don't want to, I know I'll have to talk to him about it. He needs to explain it to me. I want to know.

I press the handle and open the door. It's open, as always, thank fucking God. I close them behind me, placing my fingers over the keys to twist them, but something stops me.

The light is on.

A gleam comes from my bedroom. 

There's no way I turned on the lights before I left the apartment. 

The first thing that comes to my mind is that Jack's awake. But he's never awake at that time. He never waits for me to get home. I told him that I'll be with Riley, so there's no way he'd know what time I'm coming home. What if he heard the honk? Did she really wake him up and I have to face him? Not only mad from someone interrupting his sleep, but also the fact that I cheated on him this evening. I don't think I have the courage to tell him that. I don't feel confident enough to do it. Not right now. 

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