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I loooove this one. Have fun with it ;))
Music for this chapter:
Snow On The Beach - Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey
Sweet Nothing - Taylor Swift

Harry's pov

Gentle tapping on the window wakes me up.

At first, I ignore it, thinking that it's some kind of tree branch just tapping my car because of the wind. Then I realize that I'm in the car instead of my bedroom and that none of the spots for my cars are anywhere close to any sort of plants. 

The realization wakes me up and I yawn, confused about what might be causing the sound. 

I open my eyes and look to the right, understanding that I'm still parked on the hospital's property. 

''Jesus Christ.'' I say to myself when my spine comes back to its natural position. The change can be felt not only in my spine. 

I hear the tapping again and move my head to the left, where I notice someone standing on the other side of the window. I jolt at the sight, but then I realize that the figure looks similar and that it's Persephone. She smiles at me when she notices that I'm awake now. Her arms are wrapped around her body and I immediately feel bad. It's a cold night and God knows how long she's been standing out there, waiting for me to wake up. 

I unlock the door and see her walking over to the front of the vehicle and I open the door for her from the inside. 

She could've banged on the door and screamed for me to open it, but she didn't. She was tapping gently, showing with this gesture that she's sorry to wake me. Honestly, I'm glad she did. One more hour in this position and I'd end up in a wheelchair, unable to walk. 

''Thank you.'' Her shaky voice hits my ear as she takes a place inside. ''I'm sorry for waking you. You looked so peaceful I even thought about walking back myself, but all my stuff are in here.'' 

I watch as she closes the door and makes eye contact with me.

''It's fine, really. My spine might be broken from that position at that point.'' We laugh raspy for a moment and she smiles at me, still looking me in the eyes. ''I shouldn't have fallen asleep, you were standing outside for so long, you're probably cold.'' I look at the backseat, checking if my hoodie is still there and it is. 

''Oh, it's fine really. I wasn't standing there for that long. Plus it all took me really long.'' From the corner of my eye, I see her looking curiously at me, as I take the soft material into my hand and place it on her legs. ''Why are you giving me this?'' She points to it, not touching it.

''You're cold, you need to put something on. I'm sure that none of your clothes are longer than this.'' I draw an imaginary line under the second pair of my nipples. She giggles at my words and I want to hear it again. 

''I'm not taking your clothes. This probably costs more than my whole wardrobe.'' She rolls her eyes at me and I flatten my lips. ''Is this even yours?''

''Yes, it is, and don't be picky.'' I scold her. ''This is just a piece of material. It's fine. I'm certain you'd agree with me that people are more important than any other material things.''

''Sorry, I'm- thank you. I'm surprised this is yours. I can't imagine you wearing something so casual.'' She finally takes it and starts putting it on herself. 

When it's already on her I can see her face again and I narrow my brows at her words. ''What do you mean you can't imagine me wearing something so casual?'' My fingers come close to my lips and play with my lower lip.

''Oh, I normally see you in suits and all that fancy stuff. It's just different.'' She clarifies and I nod my head.

''All that fancy stuff.'' I repeat after her and snort at the description. 

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