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Niall's pov

I push the glasses to sit in their place, but they slide off my nose, again.

''I swear to fucking-'' I take them off and stare at them, trying to figure out what's fucking wrong with them today. ''Can you fucking stop? I'm trying to work. Harry's going to literally kill me if I'm not going to be ready for tomorrow.'' I talk to them. 

I'm not crazy. I know that each object comes to life when I turn around or leave the room. I'm not stupid, so at least I can be nice. 

I put them back on the bridge of my nose and when they sit in their place, I'm smiling to myself and my eyes come back to the computer screen. I continue my work, writing a very detailed report on whatever this fucker needs it for. I've been sitting and doing this for so long that I forgot what day it is. 

I watch as the glasses slide off my nose again and I give up. I take them off my face and put them on the desk. 

''Fuck you. I was trying to be nice.'' I point my finger to the object and stand up. 

I turn the computer off, saving what I did today. I'm taking all my stuff and putting them into my bag.

I glance at my glasses. 

''You're not coming home with me today for what you did to me. You'll have time to think about what you did today.'' I say, acting like a parent. 

I'm so fucking tired. I can't believe Harry made me come to work on Sunday. I'm never doing it again. If he wanted to, that's fine, I don't give a flying fuck. But I'm not doing it again. 

I get out of my office and lock the door. 

The whole place is quiet. There's no one here and most of the lights are turned off, creating a terrifying vibe. I pace to Harry's office, knowing very damn well that he's still here. He used to work a lot in the past, but right now I think that he's a workaholic. He claims that he doesn't have anyone and I'm not quite sure of that, but it'd actually do him good. He has to get out of here, spend time with someone else, forget about work and chill the fuck out. 

I open the door to his office.

It's basically pitch black in here. He sits on the couch, with a laptop on his knees, and scrolls. 

''Hey.'' I say, emerging from the dark. The lamp in the corner is the only one giving at least a little bit of light. The screen enlightens his face.

''Hey.'' He answers, not breaking eye contact with whatever he's doing.

''I'm gonna go home, don't sit here for too long.'' I say to him. ''If you're going to keep working in such darkness you'll lose your sight faster than you think.'' Damn, I really am acting like a parent today.

He purrs at my words. 

I smile to myself, knowing that he's not listening to me. 

''So.'' I clear my throat and swing from right to left and back on my feet. ''I was thinking about taking a day off tomorrow, you know? I've been sitting here for the whole day and I'd love to sleep for more than six hours. What do you say?'' I tease him.

''Sure.'' He murmurs, accepting my offer, writing something, and scanning the text carefully. 

''Amazing.'' I snort. ''How about an increase of my monthly income? I've been a really good co-owner lately.'' I'm asking, trying not to laugh. 

''Okay.'' Harry says, still not aware of what he agreed on.

See? Told ya. He's a total work freak. He's not even listening to what I'm saying. He's too strict towards his workers and is kind only when he knows he's about to sell a super expensive car. That's why I think I'd be the ideal boss. Everyone will get a chance to actually get a night of good sleep, without worrying about being fired.

''Perfect. See you on Tuesday!'' I say loudly and turn around to walk out of the room.

For the first few seconds, he's not answering me, processing what I just said. ''Wait, what?'' He closes the laptop and speaks to me.

''You just gave me a work-free Monday and promised to pay me more money. Have a nice evening!'' I repeat, screaming to him, and run out, before he'll try to stop me.

''Fuck you, Niall!'' He yells at me and I laugh, running.

''Fuck you, Harry!'' I yell back to him.

Once I'm outside I walk to my car. The night air is nice, fresh. I'd take a walk, but I'm way too tired for it today. It's already nighttime, it's dark outside and the lamps are on. Once I'm close enough to my car, I unlock it and get inside.

''Missed me?'' I say to my Ferrari. ''Yea, I missed you too.''

I sit comfortably in the seat and start the engine. I smile at the sound. The radio turns on, playing a slow song.

I start driving and slow down when I'm supposed to turn left. At the same time, another car turns right and cuts me off, making me wait. 

I look at the time, clearly working right, telling me that it's really fucking late. ''What the fuck?'' I turn my head back and see the car stopping in the middle of the parking lot, meant for employees only. 

I watch as a brunette in a long, yellow dress comes out of the car and walks back and forth in front of her car. She looks very nervous. When I see that she's finally making steps towards the entrance, I drive off, smiling to myself. 

Fucking knew it!

Harry, what did you do again, and why do I know nothing about it?


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