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Music for this chapter: Man's World - MARINA

TW// sexual assault

Persephone's pov

I push myself through the crowd, trying to get to the bar. Tonight I'm walking around and carrying drinks right to the tables. It's always fun, cause I get the chance to interact with customers, but the amount of bodies in a single space is something that I can't wrap my head around this night.

I always found it funny, that I rarely see a familiar face around, when I'm working, even tho Underworld is one of the most popular clubs in the city. I'd call myself lucky because sometimes it's really uncomfortable.

I come back to the bar and put my small notebook and pen in my pants. Another person asks me for drinks and I'm giving them what they want.

''It's crazy tonight!'' Jade screams right into my ear.

''I'm gonna die out there!'' I laugh and see how she's taking a gulp of vodka. I wide my eyes at her action. ''Wow, somebody's gonna get plastered tonight!''

She hands me the bottle but I refuse to take it.

''I'm driving!'' She nods and leaves my side to go and give out some more drinks.

''Persephone you got a call from the VIP section!'' I hear another voice, not really sure where it came from or who said it, but I'm making my way towards the place.

As I'm saying. It's crazy.

''Coming!'' I shout back and go through the ocean of scents.

I love my job, I truly do. Every part of handing the drinks, walking around and dancing is fun. I'm happy that I'm able to stay really close to others and listen to music all night long. I adore every single part, except for the VIP section.

VIP section. Also known as the worst nightmare of a young woman working at a location where men are drinking their asses off, the worst of my nightmares. A place where everything can happen, that's probably why Jeff decided to put extra CCTV cameras out there. A pure horror and punishment for anything I haven't been punished for during my pathetic life. There's no way that there's actually a place worse than the VIP section in a club.

There are three stages of going through Hell.

The first one is taking orders, which is probably the easiest one, even tho there are always some unnecessary comments about my body and my persona in general.

The second one is coming back with all those drinks. Every single one of those filthy rich and probably important men, that I do not give a single fuck about, starts to loosen up a bit, and gets ready to drink as much alcohol as possible.

And the last one is the worst. Cause after the first two times I must come back there, face drunk men and somehow get back to the bar. Obviously, I'm not speaking of, God please have mercy, a situation where they'd want me to come back to give them even more drinks in the meantime.

The VIP section isn't honestly something that brings me some good, funny memories. I've been catcalled there, some of the men have touched me against my will. It's once-a-week torture that I need to go through. Hopefully, I'll get on that damn bull one day and run away from Hell on Earth.

''You know what!'' I walk back to Jade and rip the bottle from her hand. ''Fuck the car!'' I take a swing and swallow a lot of it, so it'll start working faster.

I can't do this sober.

Not after what happened in the hospital.

The bottle is again in the girl's hand and I walk slowly towards the special section. Right now I'm glad there're so many people here and it's so loud. I won't be there fast and also won't hear my thoughts.

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