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Music for this chapter:
Jungle - Emma Louise

Persephone's pov

He starts the engine and drives off the parking lot. I squeeze my purse strap and breathe heavily. I can't stop the tears falling from my eyes. My knee hurts, my arm hurts, my neck hurts, my heart hurts

I sob quietly, wishing that he wouldn't hear me. I don't want to give his the satisfaction that he has so much power over me, but sadly, he does. He's stronger and taller than me. And I've been told what to do my whole life. This shouldn't hurt me more than everything my parents and him told me in the past, but it does. It hurts a hundred times more. This fall on the ground hurt more than any other. His words hurt me more than any other words he has ever said to me to make me feel bad and listen to him. 

I just lost my favorite job. I lost most of my monthly income. I lost contact with my friends. I lost all my respect for him. 

People who love other people don't take something that makes them happy away from them.

''Oh, come on. Stop crying. There's nothing to cry about.'' He says. ''You just saved yourself and you'll gain respect from other people now. It would be worse if I'd go there and talk to your boss because he'd think that I made that decision and I made you say that. But I didn't, Persephone. You made that decision yourself. I just helped you understand that what you were doing there was wrong.'' I notice that he's not driving us to my flat, instead, we're going to his. ''Hey, I am talking to you.'' He raises his voice at me.

''I know.'' I answer weakly. 

''You know that I did it because I love you and I want what's the best for you, do you?'' I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, trying to calm down, because he's not helping.

I don't answer him and just continue staring out of the window. 

Suddenly, the car drives on the side of the road and stops. The force yanks me forward, but the seatbelt holds me in place. My hands support me, my right hand holds the cold glass and the left stays on the armrest. In shock from the fast transition, I turn my face to the left to look at Jack, making sure that he's okay. At the same time, his hand is around my neck, again. 

What did I do now?

I look at him, frightened. He's angry again, but I didn't do anything wrong. This time my hands don't hold his. They just stay where I put them. This time I'm not trying to stop him, because there's nothing he can do to make it worse. There's nothing worse that can happen to a girl who's already hurt.

''I swear, Persephone.'' He hisses through clenched teeth. I watch his eyes with a frown. ''I just asked you a question.''

I nod my head, not remembering what he said from all the stress. I feel the tension beginning to build in my abdomen. 

''Y-yes.'' I answer blindly, wishing that I got the correct answer. 

''What's wrong with you today?'' He lets go of my neck as if he wasn't squeezing the life out of me just a second ago. I take a deep breath.

''I'm sorry, I'm just tired.'' I take my hands off the car and put them on my legs. I tremble, playing with my fingers. 

He shakes his head to the sides and starts the car. ''You know, I'm tired too and I'm not acting like it's the most important thing in the world. We all have obligations, duties, and things we have to do. But here you are, acting like the whole fucking universe revolves around you. And you're crying because you did yourself a favor? It's all for the best, trust me.'' He pulls up under his apartment. ''You can finally start working at a pharmacy like your parents want you to an-''

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