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Harry's pov

''Fuck you, Harry!'' I hear Niall scream.

He always uses it against me when I'm working on something and I'm focused. 

I was in the middle of finding information about the guy who wants to buy my place, but it turned out to be a dead end. We still haven't found anything on him. Niall was right, it's very suspicious. It usually takes my people to find someone in a blink of an eye, but this time it's different. 

At this point, everyone is trying, except for Niall. He said that he doesn't want to hear about it anymore. Well, think about how bloody tired I am of that. 

I sigh and stand up, taking the laptop with me. I put it on my desk, which I usually use for literally everything but what's it meant for. The whole surface is covered with tons of papers, and possible connections, but we still haven't moved.

Right now I'm either thinking about fucking this and just selling it to him or telling him that it's not going to work. We haven't met in person yet, but maybe it'd be a good choice. But it's going to sound weird when I'll ask him all questions possible myself. He can still lie to me. If I'm going to sell it to him, knowing absolutely nothing I won't be able to sleep well. People can be put in danger because I was too lazy to wait a little bit longer. 

I'm so tired of this, but there's nothing I can do to forget about it. 

I unbutton my shirt because I'm so fucking hot right now. A cold shower sounds nice. I think about the nice vision and decide that it's time to go home.

I look at all the papers on my desk. I can't just leave them like that. I step closer to them and sort them into piles and fasten them. 

I hear that the door is being opened and I don't turn around, knowing that it's obviously Niall, who forgot something.

''What did you forget now, Niall?'' I say with my back to him, putting piles into my desk, so it'll stay all nice and clean.

When I hear nothing in response, I furrow my brows and with a confused look on my face, I turn to face him. ''What's wro-'' 

I stop when I don't see him in front of me and I'm surprised by someone I'd never thought I'm going to see today. 


Persephone's pov

I step on the gas when the light turns green. 

I can't believe I'm doing this. This is crazy. 

I've never done anything against Jack and I feel something in my stomach, but I'm not sure if it's just nerves or happiness and excitement. This is big and I feel like I'm taller than usual, but I also feel like a little girl, doing something she's never tried before on her own. 

I realize that I'm supposed to turn right here and at the last moment, I do it, almost hitting someone sitting in a fucking Ferrari

Are you kidding me? Not only are all people from here suddenly rich but also driving at night. I'm not mentally or financially stable enough to pay for such harm.

''I'm sorry.'' I say to myself, but mean it to the person driving the car.

I stop in a random spot. I want to just go in there, not think too much about what I'm going to say. It works better that way for me. I jump out of the car and as I'm about to go for it, some invisible force stops me and I bite at my nails. Riley'd hate it.

I walk back and forth, thinking about what I'm supposed to do. It's so late, he's probably home. And if he's not I'm going to look stupid. All I do is look stupid in other people's eyes. He won't agree because he doesn't have time for such bullshit. But we agreed on one-time favor and this is it. But what if he's going to say that this is not what one-time favor is for him?

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