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Matt's POV:

Matt woke up, his eyes darting open immediately. The right side of his bed was empty. Heather wasn't there anymore.

He sat up and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. It was 1:27am... surely Heather wouldn't have gone home at this time? And she definitely wouldn't have left without saying goodbye, would she?

He climbed out of the bed, walked across the hall, and went down the stairs. He could hear voices coming from the living room, and he slowed slightly. He could hear Chris muttering something softly, and he could hear a girl's voice, and he felt relief flood through him when he realised Heather hadn't left.

He put his hand on the living room door to push it open, but stopped when he heard his name being mentioned. He paused - listening in to the conversation.

''I really like Matt-''

''I know.'' Chris replied.

''-so do you think I should do it or wait for him?'' Heather asked.

''I think it's up to you.''

''But what if he doesn't do it?''

''Then you'll know what to do.''

''I'm meant to be going with George-''

Matt felt his heart drop - why was George being mentioned in a conversation about him? Why was George being mentioned at all? Matt trusted Heather, and he trusted George, but that didn't stop the anxiety swirling in his stomach. He moved away from the door slightly so that he couldn't hear the conversation anymore. He hovered for a few seconds, and then went back up the stairs.

He didn't want to hear anymore.


Heather's POV:

Heather walked down the stairs and into the living room. Chris was watching a movie, but he paused it and smiled when the girl walked in. She sat on the couch opposite him and pulled her knees into her.

''You okay? You disappeared after the beach.'' Chris said.

''Yeah...me and Matt needed to talk. We've sorted everything out now.'' Heather explained.

''I'm glad.'' Chris paused. ''So why are you down here with me at 1am?''

''Can't I just watch a movie with you? I'm hurt, Christopher.'' she said, throwing a pillow at him.

''You know that's not why you're here.'' he answered, throwing it back at her.

She hesitated. ''I couldn't sleep, and I was thinking.''

''About what?''

''Prom.'' she replied.

He was silent for a second. ''Are you going?''

She nodded.

''I didn't think you would.''

''I didn't want to... Dakota and George are forcing me.''

Chris laughed. ''Makes sense but...prom isn't for another three weeks. Why are you thinking about it now?''

She was quiet for a few seconds and then looked at him. ''I want to go with Matt.''


''But I don't know if he'll ask me.''

Chris nodded slowly. ''I know what you mean. His anxiety usually stops him from doing things like that.''

MEANINGLESS,𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now