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Matt looked at Alahna for a few moments, and then put his soda on the counter. ''Heather?''

''I think that's who you're talking about.'' Alahna replied.

''The name would suit her...how do you know her?''

''She's given me cigarettes before. I've skipped school with her and her friend a few times.''

''I don't know who you're talking about right now.'' Nick interrupted.

Alahna looked at him. ''You know Dakota?''

''I love her!'' Nick grinned.

''Heather is Dakota's best friend.''

''Oh! That's so weird I know Dakota but not her.'' Nick muttered.

Alahna looked back at Matt. ''Why are you even asking about her?''

''Oh...no reason.''

Alahna and Nick looked at each other and then back at Matt. ''Don't play dumb.''

Matt sighed. ''I gave her a ride home after I... almost ran her over.''

''You did what?!''


''I wasn't concentrating, and it was raining, and she wasn't looking where she was going and-''

''You weren't concentrating? That's kinda important when you're driving, Matt!'' Nick cried.

''Shut up, Nick! It was one time!'' Matt argued.

''And look what almost happened!'' Nick argued back.

Matt sighed again. ''I know. She's fine though but... I just couldn't think of her name.''

''Does she know you don't know her name?'' Alahna asked.

Matt nodded.

It was quiet for a few seconds. Alahna didn't know Heather that well, she had only hung out with her a few times, but she seemed cool. She seemed like the type of girl who didn't give a fuck about anything, the type that took nothing seriously.

''How did she take it?'' Alahna asked carefully.

''She seemed okay but I feel bad. She said we've gone to school together for four years...how have I never noticed her before?'' Matt asked.

''We don't really step out of our bubble.'' Nick shrugged.

''I guess.''

''Don't sweat it, Matt. Just let her know tomorrow that you remembered it.'' Nick said.

''Yeah. Thanks, Nick. Thanks, Lan.'' Matt said, finally smiling.

''No worries. Do you want to go and watch a movie now?''

''Of course.'' he grinned. 

He pushed Heather to the back of his mind.

He didn't need to worry about the situation anymore.


Heather and Harry sat in silence for a few minutes. The sister sat on the floor cross-legged, whilst the brother stretched out across his bed. 

''You okay?'' Harry asked.

Heather looked at him. ''I'm fine.''

''What did you do to piss her off?'' 

''She just doesn't like when I tell her the truth.'' Heather sighed. ''Has she been like that all day?''

Harry sighed. ''Yeah. I haven't left my room.''

MEANINGLESS,𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now