are fine too!" As long

as it was from Xin Yuan

Shan, he wanted to try

it. Anyway, the country

has given him

hundreds of acres of

experimental fields,

which should be


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Shen Tingshuang gave

ten strawberry

seedlings for Tu Yuan.

Tu Yuan was very

touched. After all, the

customer on the

internet could only

buy maximum three

plants, so at the same

time he asked a little


we buy some fruits

from the mountain?"

Just now Tu Yuan saw

the fruits on Xin Yuan

Shan, Tu Yuan knew

that Shen Tingshuang

did not put certain

fruits on the certain

treasure. It was purely

a matter of her

personal mood.

"Sure, you can pick

what you want to eat."

The three people who

came with Tu Yuan


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went to pick the fruit.

"By the way, I have

watched the farming

video you posted

earlier." Tu Yuan stood

in place and chatted

with Shen Tingshuang

about farming. Soon,

Tu Yuan discovered

that he had studied

things for a lifetime,

and he could only

explain in a few words.

The shock in his heart

became deeper and

deeper. When his

subordinates came

back, they found that

Tu Yuan looked at

Shen Tingshuang with

admiration, and they

✔After Transmigrating, the Bosses Begged Me to Plant the LandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ