Plenty of time

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T/W: nothing really, just implications and open ended things, left for interpretation.(my mental interpretation does have several t/w's tho) 


Start your story with the line "We have plenty of time," and/or end it with the line "We were never going to make it."

POV: Grian 

"We have plenty of time." I reassure Pearl. "The Watchers can't possibly attack us right away. Even they have to ready their armies and prepare their troops." "I- I'm not so sure..." she responds. I only laugh it off.


"Geronimo!" I shout as I jump through the End portal. I feel the slight disorientation of dimensional travel, and then I'm standing on the obsidian platform that greets every player. I wait for the others to come. And wait. And wait. Finally, I realize that they aren't coming.  

I shrug, figuring this is some prank, making me do all the work. 

I bridge out over the void to the main island, hands sweaty. I chuckle at my nervousness, and continue bridging. 

Once I reach the island, I immediately start shooting the crystals. Once they're down, I take the fight to the dragon. 


Finally, i feel the xp being absorbed into my body, the magic that is used in enchanting gaining it's power. Making sure the last of the little green orbs are gone, i jump into the End portal. 

Now, normally, if you go through the portal there would be a moment of black, then the side of a grass block, and then you would appear wherever you last set your spawn. Instead, I get the black, and the grass, but instead of being teleported to my bed, I see strange words hovering in front of my vision. I read one word, and my blood froze. 

Watcher 1: Oh, hello everyone. They're here, friends.

Watcher 2: It's about time. I was beginning to think they might not ever find us.

Watcher 1: We've been watching you for a very long time, Evolutionists.

Watcher 2: From the start, in fact.

Watcher 1: Indeed. From when we dropped you in Beta 1.2 all the way to now.

Watcher 2: We watched you struggle to craft old recipes, build with limited blocks and walk absolutely everywhere.

Watcher 1: But most of all, we watched you have fun.

Watcher 2: We watched empires rise and dirt cheap fall, the antics that you all got up to over the last 11 months have been legendary.

Watcher 1: Oh, remember the time Zee made a giant squid in Grian's base?

Watcher 2: Yeah, Squiddy was great, shame he had to burn... At least he made a return later on. And what a day it was when Tauntis joined the server!

Watcher 1: And a sad day when he decided to leave... We're getting side tracked. We need to tell them the news, good and bad.

Watcher 2: But I don't want to. I want to talk about the good times. Remember the property police and mafia war? Who won that in the end?

Watcher 1: There are no winners in war, friend. Only losers. There certainly were some great alliances on the server. The Property Police... The Mafia... The Empire.

Watcher 2: Don't forget the Private Investigators! Who knew Tom and BiB could build well?

Watcher 1: That's debatable. They definitely got pranked a lot. They all did. Mainly by one person though...

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