Merry Gang Of Hybrid Assassins- part one?

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T/W: implied kidnapping and stuff. I probably missed something, so let me know if I did

POV: Grian 

I'm running through the woods, heart beet fast, legs pumping, ears twitching, eyes scanning for danger. My wings are still bound from my capture. My would-be capturer stupidity underestimated me. Big mistake. Unfortunately, i lost my sword, so all i have weapon wise is a hunting knife i hid in my boot. Now, its in my hand, at the ready.

I look ahead and see a ravine. I'm running to fast to stop. My wings are still bound, its too far to jump, too far too fall. So i go with option E. I jump up, grab a vine and swing Tarzan stile to the other side. I land in a roll, bashing rather ungracefully into... something.

I look up, and see, to my surprise, a man with wolf ears and tail. His canines are extra sharp and long, although not as long as that of a vampire. His skin is tan-ish, and he has a mostly shaved beard. He wears a red short-sleeved-shirt, with average jeans underneath.

As he looks down at me, i hear him growl, a deep noise coming from the back of his throat. His ears are pointing toward me, in an aggressive 'I'm in charge, and WILL kill you' type of way, and his eyes are narrowed in suspicion.

I understand immediately. He's a wolf hybrid, to on-edge to understand English. I immediately start whimpering, rolling over on to my back in a show of submission. My wings hurt, but those teeth will hurt more.

He understands, and nips my nose with his teeth, not biting, just telling me he's in charge with his body language. He calms down, and backs up, letting out a bark, probably a signal to his pack. Sure enough, out of the bushes and underbrush appear three more hybrids.

One is a deer hybrid. She has light brown tinted shin, with little white freckles, like the spots on a fawn. On her head are antlers, and a crop of messy green tinted hair. As she steps more into my view, I also see a small tail with brown fur on the top and white on the bottom. She wears a flower crown, and a blue shirt with overalls. There is a small hole in the seat of her pants for her tail.

The second is A creeper hybrid. He has green, slightly fluffy skin, and multiple robotic parts including his arm and half of his face. His eyes are red, well, eye. One appears to be robotic while the other is hidden behind an eyepatch. Nevertheless, they are narrowed and very suspicious of me. His clothes consist of a torn lab coat and torn blue jeans.

The third and last is a slime hybrid. A blue slime, for some reason. His skin is blue, and slightly dripping from his hair, which is also slime. The drops disappear before they reach the ground, in a sort of firework effect. He wears a white hoodie and black jeans.

The deer-girl smiled shyly at me, the creeper-cyborg seemed to be gaging how big a threat i was, and the slime appeared to have something stuck in his hair. I quietly walk up to the slime and gently pulled the stick out of his hair. (His hair is actually slime in the shape of hair. For simplicity's sake, we'll call it hair.) He thanked me, and i walked back to the middle of the small group of hybrids.

"Who are you." The creeper asked, not beating around the bush. "My name's Grian. What's yours?" I ask. The the wolf says "i'm Ren. That's Gem, Jevin, and Doc." He says, gesturing at each hybrid in turn.

"What are you doing in the woods." Doc says, still not letting down his guard. "I was running away from hybrid hunters." I answer truthfully. "You don't look like a hybrid." Doc says suspiciously. I pull off my sweater and, grabbing my knife, which i dropped on the ground, i sliced through the ropes binding my wings.

The four people in front of me gape at my, like, 15 ft. wingspan. Or something. It's been a while since I measured. "That's not normal." Ren says, just about summing up my entire life.

700ish words. This idea is from a while ago, and earlier I was looking at pasted ideas and I found this. 

The idea originated from a comment chain in which me and some others were sharing our oc's and joining a "merry gang of hybrid assassins," hence this idea. But now I can't find the comment thread to quote or screenshot and it's annoying me.

Bye for now, and good unspecified time of day or night!

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