A Tail Of 13- part one?

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T/W: mentions of death, being on the run in general

POV: Grian 

I stumble through the dence underbrush, my bear feet sore, covered in cuts, my arms like wise. My sweater is tied tight around my waist, and I'm sweeting despite the chill in the air.

I'm tired, thirsty, and hungry, but I need to keep going, keep running, keep fighting. Rest means death, like so many other things. How long has it been? Since I slept? I don't know, don't care, rest means death, and I cannot die. I've fought to hard for that.


The Watchers, The Admins, The Listeners, The Heroes, and The Rebels. These five groups started a war that none of them could win.

At first it was good vs evil. Admins vs Watchers. But as more sides started to form, everything became grey. No good and bad, not even bad and worse.

As the original leaders died off, the new ones continued the fight for all the wrong reasons.

The Watchers wanted world domination. The Admins wanted to stop them. But then, the prime Admin died, and the new one didn't want to stop the Watchers to save the civilians, instead, it was just to defeat the Watchers at all costs, simply because they had set their mind to it. And refused to give up.

The Watchers and Admins were so focused on this war that they failed to notice, or stop the other, infinitely bigger threat. The Listeners. Soon, it became apparent that the Admins and Watchers must team up to defeat the Listeners, but they were too focused on their own war to notice this, to angry with each other for things that happened generations ago, to unwilling to trust and work together.

The Listeners came, and worked away at the ranks of both original sides, until the Heroes came in. They were a group of people with powers. Some were hybrids, others were super soldiers, or magical beings. They rose up, and all but defeated the Listeners.

The civilians decided something had to be done, as none of the people with power were doing what needed to be done, team up, but they went about it the wrong way. They tried to solve the problem of violence with more violence, these people being the Rebels.

Soon, all but a couple dozen of each side were left, with almost all civilians dead, and a new threat coming.

For those who don't know, there are gods and goddesses in this world. There's the god of death, the goddess of life, the sun and moon twins, famine, sickness, light and dark, birth and children, earth, sky, fire, and water, and so many others. But the most powerful, most important were the Council of Elder Gods And Goddess. COEGAG, for short, or simply The Council.

How many beings were in the council depend on who you asked, though the Council them selfs would say 12.

The Council new that the different factions would destroy each other, so they each chose one of their children to send down to stop the madness.

Normally, the gods would not interfere in mortal affairs, however, if the humans, semi humans, and other humanoid beings die, disappear, stop honoring the gods, the gods themselves will die, disappear, and, let's just say that got their attention.

Apart from that, the new threat was, if you dig deep enough, the god's fault. After all, the new threat was a god. He had been banned from the Council after some questionable actions that almost ended the world. He was god X. And now God X wanted revenge. Not just on the other gods and goddesses, but on the mortals as well.

If you asked them, if they asked themselves, the Council would say that they didn't help the mortals out of guilt that this was, at least partially their fault. They would say it was because if the mortals die, they die. But the truth is, they were guilty.

Now, you may be thinking, 'if the gods want to help, how come they don't come in and kill god X, or imprison him?' Well, the answer to that simple question is more complicated that it seams.

Gods can't kill other gods. Mortals can't kill gods ether. Only demigods can kill gods. You see, contrary to popular belief, gods can be killed. Immortal means they can't die of natural causes, like sickness or old age. But infectious from wounds can kill. The wounds themselves can kill. The thing is, mortals are to week to even scratch a god, and even if they could, they would not survive the punishment.

Gods don't have the power to hurt other gods, if they did, they would have killed each other long ago.

They also can't imprison X, because he is the strongest, most powerful god out of all of them. He was the leader of the Council, before he went rogue.

So the remaining gods of the Council had no other choice. They impregnated or got impregnated by mortals. Humans, or semi humans. Soon after all the demigods were born, the only demigods, as it was illegal to have a child with a mortal, all the gods who were against X were imprisoned, their only hope being twelve 14-16 year old demigods with dormant powers, and tragic backstories, all brought together at the end of the world.

Or maybe it was more. I guess you, reader, will just have to find out.

This is the story of brave heroes, of their pasts, and futures. A story of death and destruction, of half truths, and partial lies. Of loss, betrayal, tragedy, and lessons well learned. Of the evil that is always there, trying to break free, and a group of people, brave, honorable, heroes and heroines, trying to stop it. This is a story worth telling, my speakers, worth reading, my readers, worth writing my writers, worth hearing, my listeners. A story that must be told, a tale that may just be real, may just happen, may just have happened.

This is A Tale Of 13. 

1010 words. Again, an idea that I've had for a while. 

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