When a simple prank turns into a war that's fallowed by a trauma dump and fluff

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T/W: mentions of: death, Sam, blood, fighting

Hermit(s): Grian and others

Type: angst

POV: Grian 

"There will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword, he will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh lord. Oh lei, oh lia, oh lei, oh lord. He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh lor-"

I was cut off by a shout. "Greeeeeeeee-onnnnnnn!" At the noise, i turn, eyes narrowed, fists clenched, musicals tense. I sigh when i only see Iskall, running toward me from the other end of the shopping district. 

"Hay man!" I say when he gets close. He smiles, fist bumping me while saying "hay dude!" In his rather iconic Swedish accent. "Sooooooo..." he says, trailing off. "Sooooooooooo...?" I ask back, a grin on my face. "Do you wanna play a prank on Mumbo?" He asks. I smile, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "You don't need to ask me twice!" I say, running after Iskall to plan our prank. 

POV change: Xisuma 

I look at the pit we- me, Mumbo, Scar, Bdubs, Keralis, Wels- actually, just about all the hermits- had dug. In the middle was a cage made of iron bars and obsidian, hung over the void- we had broken all the bedrock. Next to me, Mumbo, who was a surprisingly good seamstress-seammister? Whatever. He was good at sewing. He had made a few costumes- a Watcher, a mythical being of immense power, cruel to the bone, and evil to the core, to be specific, EX, a bunny hybrid, an old friend of Grian's, the mystery Prime, Tuartis, another old friend of Grian's, and an Enderdragon. With these costumes and props, they were gonna play the prank of the century. 

They were gonna pretend that, well, chaos. It was going to be a hectic role play story, with evil rabbits and a rideable Enderdragon. Iskall was tasked with keeping Grian busy while the others prepared. Soon, it would be time. 

"Done!" Mumbo announced, holding up the Watcher costume, by far the most complicated of the five, closely fallowed by the Enderdragon and the Prime. Xisuma smiled, high-fiving the others... somehow. There were, like, 25 of them. 

Smiling, X made the call on his communicator, the other hermits getting in position. 

POV change: Grian 

Me and Iskall are almost done with our automatic chicken-inator, wen Iskall gets a call on his communicator. 

"I*ka*l!" I hear Xisuma's voice through the static. "Get t*e oth*r* ov*r t* th* s*op*i*ng di*tr*ct! F*ST!" Iskall's face goes white, as he pulls my arm. "X's in danger!" He yells. My heart stops. 

Despite my short legs, i run faster than Iskall, taking off expertly with my elytra, spamming rockets all the way to the shopping district. When I arrive, the sene in front of me sends me reeling. 

In a cage hanging over the void were the hermits. Floating in front of the cage was a watcher. Next to them, a boy with bunny ears and brown hair, and on the other side of the watcher, a boy with black hair and black, red and blue headphones. I recognize them immediately. Taurtis, Sam, and Xanthus. 

Seemingly without fear, i fly up to hover in front of the trio. "Sam! I thought i made it clear that you were to never come here again!" Turning to Xanthus, i say "Xanthus! Why would you and Tuartis team up with him!?" I say, emphasizing the last word while gesturing at Sam. All three of them, confused, give me questioning looks. "Who are 'Sam' and 'Xanthus'?" Sam says. "Oh, so now you've forgotten your own name. As if going insane wasn't enough!" I yell, scared, frustrated, exasperated, and confused. 

"Why are you here?!" I ask, getting suspicious. "Well, Grian-" Sam starts, but i cut him off. "You aren't Sam! You idiot! If your gonna be an imposter, at least be a good one!" I say, hiding my fear. "Grian, calm down, do you want some tea or-" "And you aren't Tuartis! He's American! He eats Tuaritos for breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch, linner, midnight snack, second breakfast, second lunch, second dinner, AND snack!" I yell. 

Then out of nowhere, a familiar figure appears. I look down at the hermits in the cage. Gliding down to stand on the top of the cage, i break the obsidian roof. "Ok guys. You need to fess up now or i'll call Zefericx and tell her all about this prank." I say, voice calm, but with a note of meness. 

They all stare, mouths agape. Zefericx is the Prime admin. She's the boss of the bosses. And i just threatened them with telling her about their shenanigans. "Bu-"

And at that moment, i feel the hair on the back of my neck rise. Magic. Watcher magic. 

Whipping around, magic already forming in my hands, I immediately call for back up, magicly changing into my prime admin outfit, sword in hand. "ZEF! WE'VE GOT A SITUATION ON HERMITCRAFT! WHITELISTING EVERY ELIGIBLE ADMIN NOW! OPENING PORTAL AND COM LINKS IN THREE, TWO, ONE, NOW!" I yell into my communicator. 

Suddenly, all over the sky, portals open, admins flying in from all sides to meet the newly arrived watcher army. 


The battle goes on for hours. Manny admins injured. Some dead. But the watchers defeated.  

Of course, the first question i get is "how did you know it was fake?" My answer? "When a superhero shows up to save you, but you are the superhero, pranks are kinda obvious." 

At the end, i tell everyone the truth. All of it. There are many hugs and tissues and blowing of noses, but by the end, everything's back to normal. Or, as normal at the Hermitcraft server ever gets. We use magic to repair the damage from the battle and the giant hole in the bedrock, and fluff ensues! 

980 words. I wrote this at like, 11pm, so if there are plot holes, you know why. 

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